Vim + Golang

I am trying to learn a bit of golang (although sometimes I think I should try to master python and bash first..) with this udemy course.

The same way I have pyenv/virtualenv to create python environments, I want to do the same for golang. So for that we have goenv:

Based on goenv install instructions and ex-collegue snipset, this is my goenv snipset in .bashrc:

# Go configuration
# git clone -b v0.0.4 $HOME/.goenv
if [ ! -d "$HOME/.goenv" ]; then
    git clone $HOME/.goenv

if [ -d "$HOME/.goenv"   ]
    export GOENV_ROOT="$HOME/.goenv"
    export PATH="$GOENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"
    if  type "goenv" &> /dev/null; then
        eval "$(goenv init -)"
        # Add the version to my prompt
        __goversion (){
            if  type "goenv" &> /dev/null; then
                goenv_go_version=$(goenv version | sed -e 's/ .*//')
                printf $goenv_go_version
        #PS1_GO="go:\$(__goversion) "
        export PS1="go:\$(__goversion)|$PS1"
        export PATH="$GOROOT/bin:$PATH"
        export PATH="$PATH:$GOPATH/bin"

################## End GoLang #####################

From time to time, remember to go to ~.goenv and do a “git pull” to get the latest versions of golang.

Ok, once we can install any golang version, I was thinking about the equivalent to python virtualenv, but it seems it is not really needed in golang. At the moment, I am super beginner so no rush about this.

And finally, as I try to use VIM for everything so I can keep learning, I want to use similar python plugins for golang. So I searched and this one looks quite good: vim-go

So I updated vundle config in .vimrc:

Plugin 'fatih/vim-go', { 'do': ':GoUpdateBinaries' }

Then install the new new plugin once in VIM.


or >


There is a good tutorial you can follow to learn the new commands.

I am happy enough with “GoRun”, “GoFmt”, “GoImports”, “GoTest”

Keep practising, Keep learning.