Infraops challenge, Devika, Daytona, NTP 2038, Linux Crisis Tools, videos, Chocolonely, LLM, Transformers, Enforce-first

InfraOps challenge: A bit beyond me, but interesting If you could try without applying for the job.

Devika: Agent AI. Another thing I would like to have time to play with it. If you have API keys for some LLMs, looks like it shouldn’t be difficult to run and you dont need a powerful laptop (?)

Daytona: My development environment is a joke, just python envs. But I guess for more serious devs, could be interesting

NTP and year 2038: Agree, when it is not DNS, it is likely NTP (seen this with VPNs and SSL certs in boxes with NTP unsync), or something blocking UDP.

Linux crisis tools: I haven’t got my hands dirty with BPF but I am surprised with so many tools. I would add nc, netstat, lsof, traceroute, ping, vim, openssl etc but because I do pure networks.

Jim Kwik: How to improve your reading speed. One improvement is you use your finger or a ruler. Need to watch again.

Rich Roll: The guy is super chill. I would like to be able to do some ultra at some point in life… Very personal conversation.

Ferran Adria: I didnt know much about the person apart from being one of the best Chefs in history. I like how he starts the interview and take over for 15 minutes. Haven’t watched till the end. But just the beginning is priceless.

Mark Manson: I have read all his books and his emails. Interesting his story.

Chocolonely: I didnt know it was a dutch company and interesting history behind. I want to try one day, but I haven’t found a dark choco version.

LLM in 1000 lines puce C: I was always crap at C. But interesting this project as something educational and intro in LLM.

Visual intro to transformers: The easy joke, unfortunately, this is not about Optimus Prime.

Indonesia Heavy Metal Girls: Unexpected. Respect.

Enforce-first-as: I dint know about this until last week. Cisco defined by default. Juniper disabled by default. And this makes sense with Route Servers.

Love is not enough

Before moving, I went through some piles of papers and found a couple of pieces with the note “Love is not enough”. I am pretty sure they were notes I took from a book of Mark Manson (likely The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck – I need to re-read) And somehow this morning, I got this video in youtube.


Love is not enough:

  • Love doesnt equal compatibility: Love is emotional. Compatibility is logical
  • Love doesnt solve your relationship problems (amen)
  • Love is not always worth sacrificing yourself: Dont tolerate behaviours in your partner that you wouldn’t do with your best friend. A loving relationship is supposed to supplement your individual identity, not damage it or repace it.

The only way you can fully enjoy the love in your life is to choose to make something else more important than love.

Friendship > Love

In my case, I dont really think about love but companionship. I think too many times about that “perfect” companion to go through life (good and bad moments). And then I am very solitary person (it gets worse with age). And then you are not sociable, and many things you read tell you that having a strong social support is critical in mental health, life satisfaction, etc. So it is like in the middle of two paths.

Good concert of NIN.


I was surprised today reading this blog entry. Watching the video, it reminds me to techno, so it is good. And reading further his bio in wikipedia, I was really impressed with his persona, political/social effort and music. And somehow, I noticed there was a movie about him, I am pretty sure I have seen the ad somewhere but as usual, I normally ignore the movies.

I dont believe in those hall of fame things, but definitely I would put Tina, RATM and Fela.


Today I came across a video (not recent) about Cristian Varela (strange there is no Wikipedia entry about him). He is one of my favourite techno DJs and a legend in the Spanish Techno scene. I learnt a couple of things from that video, he is the son of a famous Spanish actor, he is working in different projects apart from “just” techno gigs and production, and he went through a sharp drop in his career but he is back (how important is to have good people around…)

As somebody very wise told me: “Techno always makes friends”

Here two massive sessions: percussion and tokyo