VimGPT – Maia AI – Mirai – Reptar – Mellanox Debian – RISC-V DC – Mojo – Moors Law

VimGTP: Very interesting project. I haven’t used it. But thinking aloud, you could use it to interact with sites that dont have API (couriers)? I think with Selenium you can do things like that?

Maia AI: CLoud providers like to be masters of their own destiny so try to build as many things by themselves as possible. So now MS has developed its GPU for AI. It is quite interesting the custom rack they had to built with the sidekick for cooling down the new chips. There are no many figures about the chip (5nm, 105b transistors) to compare with other things in the market.

Reptar: new Intel CPU vulnerability. It looks like is a feature from Ice Lake architecture. It looks like you can crash the cores but no yet take over. Still interesting.

I am not affected 🙂

$ grep fsrm /proc/cpuinfo

Mellanox with Debian: Interesting how you can install a nearly standard Debian into a Mellanox SN2700 switch.

RISC-V into datacenter: Happy to see RISC-V chips in the datacenter. But not clear who is going to use them?

Mirai history: I think most of wired articles read like a holywood movie 🙂 Although 2016 security issues are “old” school, still interesting how teenagers got that far.

Mojo: Interesting because of the people behind of it… really impressive.

Moor’s law analysis: I liked the part about networks, that is not very common mentioned in these type of analysis.