Git merge vs rebase, diff, patch, stash

This week I have had a bit of a struggle with git when trying to develop a change and I was getting constant conflicts when trying to get my branch up to date with main. A refresh for merge vs rebase. When I first started with git, the environment was pro rebase. But after that job, all places were pro merge. Somehow I visualize better a rebase. I will start using rebase to see if I really understand. That’s how I finally managed to push my change into master. I had a diff generated by my gitlab PR and applied it into master. Something I already commented about but hardly used. Never used it but I was reading about this week as I thought was my only way out from the merge conflict nightmare I was in.

AusNOG 2023

Nice NOG meeting:

Vendor Support API: Interesting how Telstra uses Juniper TAC API to handle power supplies replacement. I was surprised that they are able to get the RMA and just try to replace it. If they dont need it, they send it back… That saves time to Telstra for sure. The problem I can see here is when you need to open ticket for inbound/outbound deliveries in the datacenters, that dont have any API at all. If datacenters and big courier companies had API as 1st class citizends, incredible things could happens. Still just being able to have zero-touch replacement for power supplies is a start.

No Packet Behind – AWS: I think until pass the first 30 minutes, there is nothing new that hasnt been published in other NOG meeting between 2022 and 2023. At least the mention the name of the latest fabric, Final Cat. As well, they mention issues with IPv6 deployment.

There are other interesting talks but without video so the pdf only doesnt really give me much (like the AWS live premium talk)


Somehow my linux laptop sometimes disables WIFI when I upgrade it. It doesnt really bother me as I can enable it by an icon in the UI but one day my UI lost the panel with that icon after another upgrade. So I had to learn how to enable the wifi. Via this page, I learned about the different status and then checking the options of rkfill command got my WIFI enabled back again.

# rfkill list
0: phy0: Wireless LAN
	Soft blocked: yes
	Hard blocked: no
1: hci0: Bluetooth
	Soft blocked: yes
	Hard blocked: no
# rfkill unblock wifi
# rfkill list
0: phy0: Wireless LAN
	Soft blocked: no
	Hard blocked: no
1: hci0: Bluetooth
	Soft blocked: yes
	Hard blocked: no

At some point, I would like to test bluetooth in my laptop.