Debian – apt-file

In the past, I have had to use Centos systems a lot at work and there was something I really liked from rpm, it is “yum provides” that tells you which package you need to install based on the command you need.

I always struggle to do that in Debian. I hope I remember it for the next time. Based on this link:

# aptitude install apt-file

# apt-file update

# apt-file search snmpwalk
libnet-snmp-perl: /usr/share/doc/libnet-snmp-perl/examples/
libsnmp-session-perl: /usr/share/doc/libsnmp-session-perl/examples/
python3-pysnmp4-apps: /usr/bin/pysnmpwalk
python3-pysnmp4-apps: /usr/share/man/man1/pysnmpwalk.1.gz
snmp: /usr/bin/snmpwalk  <=== THIS IS WHAT I WANT !!!!
snmp: /usr/share/man/man1/snmpwalk.1.gz
snmpsim: /usr/share/doc/snmpsim/examples/data/foreignformats/linux.snmpwalk.gz
snmpsim: /usr/share/doc/snmpsim/examples/data/foreignformats/winxp1.snmpwalk.gz

# aptitude install snmp