Infraops challenge, Devika, Daytona, NTP 2038, Linux Crisis Tools, videos, Chocolonely, LLM, Transformers, Enforce-first

InfraOps challenge: A bit beyond me, but interesting If you could try without applying for the job.

Devika: Agent AI. Another thing I would like to have time to play with it. If you have API keys for some LLMs, looks like it shouldn’t be difficult to run and you dont need a powerful laptop (?)

Daytona: My development environment is a joke, just python envs. But I guess for more serious devs, could be interesting

NTP and year 2038: Agree, when it is not DNS, it is likely NTP (seen this with VPNs and SSL certs in boxes with NTP unsync), or something blocking UDP.

Linux crisis tools: I haven’t got my hands dirty with BPF but I am surprised with so many tools. I would add nc, netstat, lsof, traceroute, ping, vim, openssl etc but because I do pure networks.

Jim Kwik: How to improve your reading speed. One improvement is you use your finger or a ruler. Need to watch again.

Rich Roll: The guy is super chill. I would like to be able to do some ultra at some point in life… Very personal conversation.

Ferran Adria: I didnt know much about the person apart from being one of the best Chefs in history. I like how he starts the interview and take over for 15 minutes. Haven’t watched till the end. But just the beginning is priceless.

Mark Manson: I have read all his books and his emails. Interesting his story.

Chocolonely: I didnt know it was a dutch company and interesting history behind. I want to try one day, but I haven’t found a dark choco version.

LLM in 1000 lines puce C: I was always crap at C. But interesting this project as something educational and intro in LLM.

Visual intro to transformers: The easy joke, unfortunately, this is not about Optimus Prime.

Indonesia Heavy Metal Girls: Unexpected. Respect.

Enforce-first-as: I dint know about this until last week. Cisco defined by default. Juniper disabled by default. And this makes sense with Route Servers.