Love Languages, imposter syndrome, self-compasion, GTC-2024, Juniper Express 5

Love Languages: I read this book in 2018. The conclusion I took at that time (and a bit late…) it is that you have to F*! communicate…

Interesting story about imposter syndrome:

We’d like to believe that if we only had the adulation, market success, and fan support of superstars like these, then we’d finally be comfortable and able to do our best.

In fact, it seems the opposite is true. Imposter syndrome shows up because we are imposters, imposters acting ‘as if’ in search of making something better.

Perhaps the best plan is to show up and not walk out.

Self-compassion: Something I have learnt the hard way, and I think at the beginning works but long term doesn’t. I practice it often while climbing and honestly, I feel the difference, and sometimes is mindblowing. Nobody is going to cheer me up so I better off doing it myself.

GTC-2024: Like last year, I registered to watch some conferences. As a network engineer, I haven’t been able to see any (good) recording, just pdfs…. so quite disappointing. This is a summary from somebody that was on site and says it was great. And some other notes that they look interesting: keynote (nvlink and infiniband at 800G), nvdia dgx gb200 (indeed we need nuclear energy to feed all this…)

Juniper Express 5: Looks quite an interesting ASIC. But as far as I can see most ASICs for DC and AI/ML come from Broadcom and the main players are Cisco/Arista. I like the feature of deep buffers.. this is still a bit of a religious dilema… deep vs shallow buffers. And looks like it was announced in HotChips 2022.. so it is not very new? And only in PTX platform. What is the future of QFX?