This is a recipe from my friend M that is super easy and tasty!
- 1.5 cups of paella rice (or risotto) – DONT TRY ANY OTHER RICE TYE
- 3 cups of boiling water (2:1 ratio with rice)
- 40g of fresh parsley (if possible, if dried, using 10gr or so)
- 7 cloves of garlic sliced
- 1/2 cup of raisins or similar
- 2 tsp of sweet smoked paprika (I used a Spanish brand)
- Olive oil to fry garlic and a gulp for the rice.
- Salt/pepper to taste
- Pre-heat oven at 180C
- In a ovenproof container, put the rice, chopped parsley, raisins and paprika. Mix all well.
- Fry the garlic with plenty of oil.
- Pour the fried garlic and left over oil into the rice. Mix all well so the oil reaches all rice.
- Pinch of salt/pepper.
- Add 3 cups of boiling water. Mix all well.
- Put the container into the oven for 30 minutes.
- Taste the rice before removing from the oven.
Ready to eat!
Before putting into the oven and before adding the water:

After taking it out from the oven:

Very tasty! Although I originally used more than 2 tsp of paprika. So for next time, I will stick with just 2 and will see