No free lunch

Just a reminder

“Every single pursuit – no matter how wonderful and exciting and glamorous it may initially seem – comes with its own brand of shit sandwich, its own lousy side effects. Everything sucks some of the time. You just have to decide what sort of suckage you’re willing to deal with.
So the question is not so much ‘What are you passionate about?’
The question is ‘What are you passionate enough about that you can endure the most disagreeable aspects of the work?’
Because if you love something and want something enough – whatever it is – then you don’t really mind eating the shit sandwich that comes with it.”
- Mark Manson
In a world of comfort one question the most important question to ask yourself is what are you willing to struggle for? You can have the pain of being lazy or the pain of putting an effort into your health and body? Which one will it be?