Mobile Phone + SSH server

I have tried many times to connect my mobile phones to my laptop. It always looks easy if you use M$ but with Linux I always fail, I can’t get to work MTP. So now I really want to take mainly all my pictures from a phone and be able to back them up and transfer to a new one. I dont want to use cloud services or tools from the manufacturers. I want to use old school methods. So after struggling for some time, I somehow decided to use something as old school as SSH/SCP. Android is based in linux, isn’t it? So I searched for a free SSH server app, found this one. And it worked! I managed to understand it, created my user, my mounting points, enable it… and was able to SCP all my photos from my mobile to my laptop. It worked with Samsung and Huawei.

I am pretty sure that people know have better ways to do this… but that’s me.