This weekend I have tried something I had in mind of some time. Home-made marmalade!
I had done before membrillo! (quince) And it was great! Such a good memories came back. And you realize how is done the one you used to buy in shops…
I decided to try the same method with berries (strawberry, blueberries, rasberries, etc). The recipe is quite simple.
-1 kg of frozen berries (if you can get them fresh, even better)
– 100g sugar ( maybe you can add more)
– 1 glass recipient of 600ml. Disinfected with boiling water.
Heat up a big saucepan (middle heat), put the frozen berries and the sugar. Stir frequently.
The fruit will start to unfrozen. Once fruit is soft, reduce the heat a bit and keep stirring.
The fruits will release water so dont add any.
Once they are looking like a pure, taste with a spoon (dont burnt your tongue!!)
If you want to get rid of the big bits of fruit, use a hand blender.
Once you have the texture you want, it is done.
Let it cool off properly before transfer to the glass and then to the fridge.
– Dont add water!!!! If you do, the marmalade will be quite liquid.
– Sugar levels. This is quite personal. Most marmalades I have checked have at least 40% sugar. I have decided with a 10%. 1kg fruit, 100g sugar. To be honest, depending on the fruit, it can be still a bit acid and you can add more. In my next attempt I will try 150g sugar.

2nd Attempt:
I followed the same process but without adding water. Still it was very liquid so i used a cooking filter to drain the mix and the result was quite good! Now it is more solid and you can drink the liquid (nothing to waste), it is super tasty!!!