This year, in my employer, I completed the migration to a MPLS SR Arista core network from a Brocade MPLS LDP one. Our backbone is still pure IPv4 so anything IPv6 is not going to be added. But this week, via an APNIC blog post I read about SRv6. And it looks quite interesting. So I went to the first post to go a bit deeper about what SRv6 is. Based on the statements of the blog, really big networks are already using this technology and quite a lot of support from the open source community too. I missed Arista in that list though.
So I tried to find some “real” proof of this SRv6 is some pcap files to see the format and get a bit better view. I could find at lest a source with some. The examples are not like the ones mentioned in the APNIC blog post but just for taking a look, it is enough:

So I can see inside the IPv6 header, the SRv6 Header as defined in the rfc.
I dont really understand the second IPv6 header (Dst: b::2). From the first IPv6 header, the destination “f1::” has to be the first instruction SID1. I can see how it mentions it contains a SRH (Next Header: 43). And inside the routing header, we can see it is SR type (Type: 4). I assume that Address[0] and Address[1] are SID2 and SID3.
Would be cool to lab a SRv6 scenario.