WOW – Llama3 from Scratch – Banana Peel – Efficient KAN -SkyVERN – chat.lmsys – wifi airtag – Videos – Deep Learning interviews

Sell WOW hardware: I have never been a gamer, still I found this history very interesting.

Llama3 from scratch: Totally out of my paycheck, but really appealing if you want to learn LLM

Deep Learning Interviews:

Banana Peel food: I would like to be better at using my food and this looks like a great idea. And I read you can make even flour from the peel and fertilizan (due to the high concentration of potasium)

Efficient KAN: I dont really get this fully but looks like a big thing.

SkyVERN: Using LLM for managing browser-based work-flows. I saw something similar some weeks ago. I would like to give it a go to this because would be a game changer for automating many task that they dont have “natural” automation (something you can program and interact directly: API, etc) Compare random LLMs. I think it is interesting because you can use the latest LLMs without having a subscription. I have used once.


Adam Alter: Build curiosity (I dont ask enough questions..) Experiment (dont accept the status quo, doubt things that are giving for granted) and then maximize. Maximize into everything, you are going to get stuck. Take action.

Simon Sinek: Serve to whom serve you. Give me the honor to sit in the mud with you. Very emotional video, have to watch it again.

Apple AirTag and StarLink: Something you think it is harmless but them, I didnt know, you can even query freely! A bit scary. So switch-off your wifi router when not using it 🙂