The New Silk Road

I finished the second part of “The Silk Road” book. It is mainly focus between 2005-2009 and the Trump administration. It is a bit of the same but more up to date with the push from China to “build” the new silk roads and the challenges, like USA rejection. It shows all the chaos caused by Trump and how easy made the life of Russia, Iran, China etc. The same for using tariffs to stop trading as middle-long term, the other side is going to win. This reminds me the “Chip wars”. As well, there are countless examples of agreements for investment between countries of the Middle East and Asia. Something that, from a western point of view, we dont really have visibility or ignore plainly. The summary, based on the author, is the world center is moving to Asia although in EU/USA we dont want to believe it or look at it. I think it is time of opportunities but nothing is perfect. Personally, each empire lasts less and less so how much we will see of China as leader at some point.