I tried some time ago sourdough focaccia but I wasnt really happy with the result and somehow found this video and decided to try again.
- 320g water
- 100g sourdough starter
- 400g strong white flour
- 15g olive oil
- 8g salt
- 15g oil + 15g water
- toppings: sliced onion, cherry tomatoes and slice green/black olives
- salt, pepper, herbs
- Add the active starter to the water, mix well
- Add flour and oil, mix a bit.
- Add salt and mix well.
- Cover it and let it rest for 30 minutes.
- Make 1 fold
- Cover and let it rest again for 30 minutes
- Make 1 fold
- Cover and let it rest for 2-3h.
- Make a “coil” fold
- Cover and let it rest in the fridge overnight (12-14h)
- Take the dough out of the fridge. On a lightly dusted table top, shape the dough, trying to keep as much air inside (most difficult part for me)
- Oil a pan and put the dough on it. Let is rise for 3h
- Pre-heat oven at 230C
- Mix oil + water. Pour on the dough and with clean hands, make pockets with your fingers.
- Fill the pockets with your toppings (onion, tomatoes and olives)
- Add some salt, pepper and herbs of your choice (oregano, basil, rosemary, etc)
- Bake for 25 minutes or till the top is crispy at 230C.
- Remove from oven and let it cool down
This is the result!

It was very tasty, spongy and moist. Not as much open crumb like the video but really happy with the result!