After dealing with too much meat lately, I fancied some vegetables and specially a paella. So I decided to do a paella with only veggies last weekend. I found this video that I liked but at the end I went a bit wild as I stopped paying attention and I didnt have fresh artichokes.
- 1 big leek (instead of artichokes) sliced
- 5 garlic cloves (with skin)
- 1 bunch of asparagus
- 2 onions
- 1 glass of white wine ( I used red)
- 3 tomates grated
- paprika
- 1 carrot diced
- 1 red pepper + 1 green pepper
- 1 courgette
- 1 cauliflower
- 1/4 glass of soy (dark) sauce
- 1 stock veg cube + 1 .5l boiling water
- 1 cup of paella rice
- Heat up the paella dish, pour a gulp of olive oil once it is hot.
- Fried the garlic gloves a bit. Then add the asparagus.
- Once they are fried a bit, retire to a dish.
- Put the paella at low heat now.
- Fried the leek with the same oil in the paella dish. Till taking color.
- Then add the diced onions. Add salt and pepper. Stir all of them until taking some color.
- Add wine. Stir until it evaporates mostly.
- Add the tomate, mix well. Add paprika. Taste it!
- Add the carrot, peppers, courgette and cauliflower. Fry for a bit.
- Add the soy sauce. This will add quite a salty taste.
- Add the stock veg cube with the boiling water. Stirr all well.
- Add the fried garlic.
- After 3-5 minutes, add the rice. Spread the rice all around the dish.
- Dont stirr anymore. Increase the heat.
- Wait until the rice starts to come up on top.
- Try to move the paella dish so the water evaporates evenly.
- At the end you want a bit of a crust on the bottom (socarrat!!!)
- Once it is ready, put the asparagus on top.
In my case, as I used leeks, they can burn very easily but I was luck and it was just a bit.
It looked nice from outside. I had a bit of socarrat. And tasted good! Maybe the dark soy sauce was too much dark 🙂