Leaders Eat Last

I bought this ebook some months ago as a recommendation and then after watching a video (need to finish it) of the author, I went to the book.

The main source of examples in the book are the military where he shows the success is based on people believing and action in a bigger goal than themselve: the mission and your team mates.

As well, he put example of a few companies that have built a personality/culture where people feel identified and they survive the worst moments. And there are examples of the opposite, where companies like Goldman Sachs, GE, etc have a culture of immediate profit, individual success at any cost, that are negative in the long run.

He mentions dopamine and oxytocin as hormones impacting our behaviour. Dopamine is the quick/easy hit satisfaction (watching youtuvideos….) and oxytocin is the making you happy with social interactions. In our modern world, dopamine is not the choice and oxytocin should be the long term aim.

As well, he takes the AA as an example where people success if follow the rules, and the most important one is the last rule, to be a leader/mentor of another person.

One of the disconnections we have at work is the abstract challenge (we want to be number 1, we want to be the best, etc) that doesnt really resonate with most people and doesnt create any connection. Without that connection, that meaning, you dont fight. So that put in context in another part of the book, that most of the times, our best memories at work are moments of straggle (that tough project, that bug at 2am, etc). So you go through that if you have a connection with the company, culture and people (that releases oxytocin). If not, you will not last long there.

Another part talks about the destructive abundance. We live in a world where we have everything…. so we want it all. This part gives away some leadership leason:

1- So goes the culture, so goes the company

2- So goes the leader, so goes the culture

3- Integrity matters

4- Friends matters

5- lead the people, not the numbers.

In my personal view, at the end all looks very nice, but most of cases, it seems the solution or change needs to come from the top and can be overwhelming. But still we can “lead by example” in our small part. You can lose your job but you can’t lose your integrity.

Good book. Again, I should read it again and take notes.