Four Thousand Weeks

That’s the amount of weeks you have if you live approximately 77-78 years. And this book is about time management those weeks. It is not the typical book about techniques to make more in the same amount of time but the psychological and philosophical reasons why we want to make more and how to live with that.

We live in a world where everything, even time is a commodity and you want to squeeze the last drop of it. That goes deep into our society. The author has tried all possible techniques to be super productive but at the end, he is always defeated at some point.

So you have a limited time, you have to choose, and not choosing is what makes us to try to cramp more and more things. So it is a lost battle. This reminds me the concept of how many f* you have.

As well, we are always thinking in the future. Being more present helps you to get things in better perspective. The time we have in Earth is ridiculous compared with a stone or the universe so that should give you the freedom (instead of the fear of not having enough) of focusing in your correct things. We need meaningfulness and connection. And something I am reading/listening quite often, we need action (and not hopping).

Questions offered in the book:

1- Where in your life or your work are you currently pursuing comfort, when what’s called for is a little discomfort?

— That hit me. Since my last move, I feel more comfortable because I have some discomfort/challenges. Before I felt uncomfortable and in theory “I have (nearly) all”

2- Are you holding yourself to , and judging yourself by, standards of productivity or performance that are impossible to meet?

— Somehow yes, I have so many books to read and so many things I would like to learn, so many certifications to get. Still I am pretty sure I would never be happy if achieved all that.

3- In what ways have you yet to accept the fact that you are who you are, not the person you think you ought to be?

— That helped, since I started to accept me and loving me as I am, I drop a lot of emotional weight. And to be honest, just telling me that I can do a hard route when climbing, pushes me to send it and improve. But this is not done, still lot to do, you know, dating….

4- In which areas of life are you still holding back until you feel like you know what your are doing?

— The winner is dating/relationships.

5- How would you spend your days differently if you didnt care so much about seeing your actions reaching fruition?

— I would like to live in the country side. Like this. Work in the fields and technology, and having a partner to share that life.

It is not hopping, it is doing.

I leave a lot of things away, I need to read it again.