Patagonia: This page was amazing for organizing the treks in El Chalten. Included even the GPS maps that worked perfect with GPX.
And this is one of the best views in many years. It was hard to get through the snow without proper kit but that view…. I wish I could have stay a long time but the temperature and mainly the wind didn’t help. “Lo bueno, si es breve, dos veces bueno”

Buenos Aires Bakeries: Something that I was really surprised about BA was the insane amount of bakeries (confiterias) and butchers in the city. I followed this link to find some good ones. But you can find some gems in any borough.
This is a random bakery around “La Boca”. Really tempted to apply for a job there.

MediaLunas: It is kind of a small croissant. video, recipe
Empanadas de Acelga: I need to learn how to make them

Futbol: I went to a game of San Lorenzo. I was really impressed with the passion. San Lorenzo lost but the supporters didnt stop singing during the whole game, didnt repeat a song and never stop cheering their players. Not sure if that happens very often in EU. And a lot of families, and a lot of kids playing futbol inside the stadium.