Lemon zest garnish ingredients:
- 1/2 lemon skin cut at julienne (long and narrow stripes)
- 50ml water
- 50g caster sugar
- 1/2 lemon juice
- Mix water and sugar in a pan. Heat up to boil water.
- Add the lemon zest and mix for 10 sec, while water is boiling
- Add lemon juice and keep mixing for another 10 sec.
- Check the mix is getting some consistency then remove from heat
- Let it cool down for later. It should be like a syrup and solidify while cooling down. You can heat it up in microware for 10-15s to make it liquid again.
Lemon Pudding souffle ingredients:
- 125ml milk
- 35g butter
- 70g caster sugar
- 70g plain flour
- 2 eggs yolks
- 4 eggs whites
- 1/2 tsp vanilla paste
- 1/2 lemon zest
- butter and sugar for greasing
- Pre-heat oven at 180C
- Grease (solid butter and sugar) 4 dariole moulds. Be sure there is no shiny parts! Cut a small square of baking paper and put in the bottom of the mould.
- Make a “beurre manie” that is mixing the butter and flour by hand in a bowl.
- Scold the milk with the vanilla (just hit the boiling point). Then at medium heat, add pieces of the “beurre manie” and whisk non stop with the milk. It is like doing “bechamel” sauce. Once the whisk is not useful, move to a wooden spoon and keep mixing.
- At the end you will have kind off a ball, keep cooking for 1-2 minutes to be sure the flour is properly cooked.
- Remove from heat and let it cool down
- Add the 2 egg yolks one at each time to the “ball”. It should become like a thick cream.
- Whisk the egg whites until snow peak. Then add the sugar and lemon zest and whisk again until snow peak. This is the meringe
- Now fold a 1/3 of the meringe into the pudding butter. Keep doing the same 1/3 at the time.
- Once you have all mixed, pour the butter into the moulds up to 3/4.
- Using a deep tray, put the moulds and fill it with water (hot if possible). Be careful the moulds dont float!
- Bake for 20-25 minutes until golden on top and risen.
- Prepare the egg custard while waiting
Fresh egg custard sauce ingredients:
- 75ml double cream
- 75ml milk
- 35g egg yolk
- 25g caster sugar
- 1/2 tbs vanilla paste
- In a glass, mix egg yolks and sugar.
- Mix double cream, milk and vanilla in a sauce pan. Add a bit of the sugar and put to the boil.
- Add the egg mix to the liquid and mix with a wooden spoon.
- Keep mixing until the liquid thick up a bit! Dont over do it! If you ran a finger in the back of the spoon when covered with the custard, it should keep apart.
- Remove from heat and pour it in a container. Cover with cling film
- Once the pudding moulds are ready, remove the mould, be sure you take off the paper too!
- Put each pudding in the middle of a dish.
- Pour the custard around the pudding
- Put a spoon of the lemon syrup on top of the pudding (put in microware if solid)
This is it!

It was actually quite nice. Spongy and lemony.