A very good friend of mine cooked Poha for me last week. It was delicious! I had ingredients left so I tried on my own:
- 1 cup of flake rice
- 2 medium onion chopped
- 2 carrots gratted
- 1/4 cup of peanuts
- 1 tsp tumeric
- 2 tsp of mustard grains
- optional: 1tsp cumin seeds
- 1 small green chilli chopped
- 1 tsp coconut oil
- 1 bunch coriander chopped
- 1 bunch curry leaves
- 1/2 lemon juice
- Wash the rice flakes in cold water for 10 seconds. Let is rest after that.
- In a hot pan, fry the peanuts with the coconut oil. Once a bit brown, take the peanuts out and let it rest.
- Add the mustard grains and tumeric in the pan, let them toast a bit, dont burn it!
- Add the chopped onion. Stir until if get a yellow color and soften up.
- Add green chilli, stir
- Add curry leaves, stir
- Add grated carrot.
- Add flake rice and peanuts. Add a bit of salt.
- Mix all well, rice should get a yellow color.
- Taste it, the rice shouldnt be hard. Add the lemon juice and retire the pan.
- Add the coriander and ready to server!

PD: This can be used as inspiration.