Another dish I wanted to try for some time has been pisto. I had to be a teenager since last time. I found several good videos like this. But I tried to do it my way.
- 1 courgette
- 1 big potato
- 1 big onion
- 2-3 garlic cloves
- 3 peppers (red, green, whatever)
- Salt, olive oil, any spice you fancy
- 1 can tomato sauce
1- Preheat oven at 200C
2- Chop your vegetables, put everything in a tray. Add salt, spices and coat in oil everything.
3- Put the tray in the oven, kind of 30 minutes. Be sure, they dont burn!
4- Heat up a frying pan. Add some oil, add the can of tomato sauce. Stir, add a bit of salt, and sugar (optional). It should thicken up a bit.
5- Once your vegs are grilled, add them to the tomate sauce (dont throw the liquid from the tray). Stir everything for some minutes and ready to serve.
6- Optional, you can fry an egg and add it on top!
Super easy, quick and healthy!