Shelljack: It is old but still interesting. At least it seems easy to implement
Europe RISC-V: Interesting report about what EU is doing about the CHIP wars and RISC-V. I guess as EU is not pouring billions like USA/China is not making to the news. It was interesting to read about the participation of Spain with UCM and the people behind openchip.
Quantum China: Another quantum chip in the mix. So far everything came from USA.
100G SR4 QSFP28: An optic teardown. There are links to other teardown like 100G QSFP28 DAC and this is more hardcore: 800G ZR+ optic.
Curiosity: This is the best definition of what curios means (and I light years from it…) Ben Jojo is a star: “Trust, but verify”
SS7 hacking: More real than I thought.
Juniper Hacking: Juniper answer. In one sense doesnt surprise me, Mikrotik is famous to feed several bootnets, so why not EOL devices from other vendors?