I hit rock bottom this week. I hope I finally closed one door in my life so I give myself the chance to open others. Made the wrong decision? It is easy when you look back. Do I regret it? The most annoying thing is these are failures so you can’t go back and recover. But I was so bloody newbie!!!…. At least after 5 years…
“For every reason it’s not possible, there are hundreds of people who have faced the same circumstances and succeeded.” Jack Canfield
Head down, crying, cursing, whatever, but forwards. As it has always been.

Somehow managed to list to long videos, something I normally can’t manage (because lack of time, etc)
Negative Beliefs, avoid bitterness, aim for greatness (remarkable things), scape the darkness: Jordan B Peterson with Modern Wisdom: video, podcast.
Find and keep Love: video. 1st Get your shit together. Communication is critical. Be careful with your shopping list….
Good Sex: video. Communicate….
Orgasm: video. Haven’t seen it completely yet but very interesting. Use your tongue wisely.
— Other things:
Startup decisions and regrets: page. Interesting. I think most of things are very specific but still good to read.
Nanog90: agenda I didnt want the videos but I reviewed several pdfs and these ones look interesting:
Abstract Ponderings: A ten-year retrospective. Rob Shakir – Google: video
AI Data Center networks – Juniper – video
Using gNOI capabilities to simplify software upgrade use case: video – I had to idea about gNOI so looks interesting. It is crazy that still in XXI, automating a network device is so painful. Thanks to all vendors to make your life miserable.
Go lang for network engineers: video slides– I always thought that Golang had a massive potential for network automation but there was always lack of support and python is the king. So nice to see that Arista has things to offer.
There are more things, but havent had the chance to review them.
It looks there is new chatbot that is not using the standard NVIDIA GPU. Groq uses LPU (Language Processing Unit). And they say it is better than a GPU. They have this paper but I can’t really see feature of that LPU.
Slurp’it: Show this blog, and the product looks interesting but although is free, it is not opensource and at the end of they you dont want a new vendor-lockin
Container lab in kubernetes: Clabernetes. I would like to play with this one day.
NetDev0x17: videos and sessions. link This is quite low details and most of the time beyond my knowledge. Again, something to take a look at some point.
LLM from scratch: repo. Looks very interesting. But the book it is going to take a long time to hit the market.
ssh3: repo. Interesting experiment.
eBFP and BGP: blog. Really interesting. Another thing that always wanted to play with.
Orange RPKI: old news but still interesting to see how much damaged can cause RPKI in the wrong hands…
China TIANHE-3 Supercomputer: Very interesting. Link.