
Finished this book, and it is a gem! It is better than expected and very funny. The author is an advertising executive and the book goal is to teach you to think in a non-logical way. As an engineer, I feel that everything has to be logical and reasoned but Rory gives plenty of examples all over the book about logic not being always the only answer. I have highlighted so many lines that I think I can copy the book. It refers to behavioural economics (state agent showing 3 places, so you pick the ones they want you to pick, how to make a train join faster without faster trains (sol: make it more enjoyable)) and politics (Trump 1.0 victory, Brexit victory, etc)

So the two lessons from the book is to understand how the marketing works (as a consumer so you can understand it and it doesnt have to be logical…) and how you should be less logical so you can find different and still valid solutions.

Even this is mentioned to relationships, something that actually hit me…

Some videos from Rory (that I would like to watch)

The lost genius of irrationality

Behavioural Economics, Humas and Advertising.