Huberman: Social Connection, Optimal protocols for studying and learning

Social Connection: Long video but worth it. Listen to it in several parts. Send a text to your close friends, connections… daily. Oh, so hard.

Some other notes (copied too)

Stress: boosts immune system short term, crashes brain+body long term.

Sleep. Water. Movement. Sun, Meditation. Rest. Rhythm. Love. Gratitude.

Porn and dopamine: scary

“If I go to my phone, I’m a consumer. If I go to my journal, I’m a creator.”

Optical Protocols for Studying and learning: This is a current video and some months ago I read something similar, but I dont mind to repeat it. It is very good. And a summary

Good sleep, dedicated time, focus, meditations to improve focus, similar time of day, teach it, test it frequently, create engagement. Reduce knowledge decay a.k.a = learning