Shelljack: It is old but still interesting. At least it seems easy to implement
Europe RISC-V: Interesting report about what EU is doing about the CHIP wars and RISC-V. I guess as EU is not pouring billions like USA/China is not making to the news. It was interesting to read about the participation of Spain with UCM and the people behind openchip.
Quantum China: Another quantum chip in the mix. So far everything came from USA.
Juniper Hacking: Juniper answer. In one sense doesnt surprise me, Mikrotik is famous to feed several bootnets, so why not EOL devices from other vendors?
AWS HPC: Didn’t know AWS offered HPC services (articule from 2021). I liked to find more details about SDR: Multipath LB, Out of Order delivery, congestion control similar to BBR. I wonder, this is not the same as UltraEthernet consortium is trying to achieve?
Multipath-tcp: The above probably works in “close” networks (managed by one entity) but maybe it is not going to work in the Wild internet. Still this looks still quite far from production. I believe this like QUID. Somebody like google deploys it and the rest jump in the wagon (more or less)
OCSP death: “OCSP is not making anyone more secure. Browsers are either not checking it or are implementing it in a way that provides no security benefits. “
AlphaChip: As far as I have read, designing chip is one of the most complex things and getting help from AI can even increase the advances in chip design. I read that NVIDIA had something similar. And this should be applied to ASICs too so networking is benefited
Crawl4AI: Interesting for digestion your local knowledge base sites and using with your local LLM….
Run your locally AI: I tried this in my work MacBook and it worked! I want to create an AI agent for a work project (actually i am dreaming to be able to achieve it….)
Open Web UI + Ollama: I tested this too in my MacBook and works like magic! You can even use DeepSeek
Training your AI: My idea is to get an open-source LLM trained with my data so I can use it to do my “job” But in the video there was too much publicity and I dont have access to a GPU… but I dont much data neither (or that’s what I think)
Bob Bowman (Michael Phelps coach): Show up, do the job.
Lightmatter: Based on this video, they are using photonics to connect chips, looks interesting, I remember Google has something with optical but for networking. But It is pretty clear this is not photonics computing.
- allreduce: collect elements from all nodes, apply a reduction operator(eg sum) then distribute reduction to all nodes -allgather: collect elements from all nodes, and distribute the to all other nodes - gpu: cpu for parallelization - RDMA: RoCE2 GPU memory to GPU memory - origin in IB - issues: flow collision, trafic polarization. low entropy!!! > dificult to ecmp => Dynamic LB incast: many2one -> ECN + buffering (in spine!) - use chassis!
With an operations hat on, dealing with chassis is expensive and no efficient. It kind of a vendor lock-in. AWS is all in pizza boxes and I remember one presentation in Cisco Live where the Cisco EVPN authority recommended pizza boxes.
Google TPUv6 Analysis: “… cloud infrastructure and which also is being tuned up by Google and Nvidia to run Google’s preferred JAX framework (written in Python) and its XLA cross-platform compiler, which speaks both TPU and GPU fluently.” So I guess this is a cross-compiler for CUDA?
“The A3 Ultra instances will be coming out “later this year,” and they will include Google’s own “Titanium” offload engine paired with Nvidia ConnectX-7 SmartNICs, which will have 3.2 Tb/sec of bandwidth interconnecting GPUs in the cluster using Google’s switching tweaks to RoCE Ethernet.” So again custom ethernet tweaks for RoCE, I hope it makes to the UEC? Not sure I understand having a Titanium offload and a connectx-7, are they not the same?
Alphafold: It is open to be used. Haven’t read properly the license.
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Zero Trust SSH. From Cloudflare. And this video I watched some months ago (and it is already 4y).
Finger Strength: I follow similar protocol, although not everyday, for warm up and I think it works. I am not getting that super results but at least my fingers are stronger…. and I am not getting injuries!!!! \o/
Create different networks (inter-GPU, front-end, storage, mgmt),
– non-blocking, rails-optimized (fig.3)
Inter-GPU challenges:
– Packet loss: Use PFC +ECN (flow aware)
– Network delay: “Rich” QoS – proprietary QoS to handle mice flows. Needs good telemetry
– Network congestion: Some kind of communication switch-NIC
– Non-uniform utilization: Most vendors have something proprietary here, some dynamic LB and static-pinning?
– Simultaneous Elephant flows with large bursts: dynamic buffer protection (proprietary)
Raoul Pal: Crypto Investment. His company. Go long run, invest a bit you can lose
Scott Galloway: Interesting his political analysis. Trump won and it seems Latins voted massively for him.
Bruce Dickinson: I read Bruce’s books some years ago so I was surprised to see him in a podcast. Need to finish it.
Eric Schmidt: I read one of his books some time ago so again, surprised to find him in a podcast. Still think Google has become evil and most of the good things he says are gone.
Javier Milei: I am not economist but it “seems” things are improving in Argentina. He is a character nonetheless. Need to finish it.
Matthew McConaughey: His book was really refreshing, and seeing him talking is the same. Raw, real.
Alex Honnold: You have to try hard if you want to do hard things.
Cloudflare and Let’s Encrypt’s certificate change: I haven’t heard of this until recently. I use Let’s Encrypt so as far as I can read, makes sense what they are doing. But didnt know 2% Cloudflare customer were using the “cert”
ChatDev: Communicate agents for software development. I am a not a developer but I would use this just as a starting point If I have any idea for a project. I would remove the C-suite agents, at least for low level projects.
IB vs Ethernet: A bit of bias here (the author is from Broadcom -> Ethernet). I have no hands-on experience with IB, but I have read the cables are not cheap… Let’s see when UltraEthernet gets into the market. Another view.
Slingshot and Juniper: A bit of bias again as HP bought Juniper. So how will these interconnects fade inside the company? As far as I know, most supercomputers use some “special” interconnect so not much ethernet there. But the money nowadays is in AI infra… Paper for slingshot (haven’t read it)
Tailscale SSH, wireguard throughput: These are things I should a spend a bit of time one day and consider if I should use them (I dont like it is not opensource though). This netmaker?
Jocko Willink: Discipline = Freedom. Remember but not dwell. Good leader, delegate. Be a man -> take action, bonding (pick your activity)
Jimmy Carr: Imposter syndrome each 18 months, so you have to stand-up. People crave the success not the journey. Teaching comedy good for communicating.
Sam Altman – Stanford 2024: First time I see him talking. It has some funny moments. More powerful computers. I missed a question about opensource LLM and closed ones.
Find a girlfriend: I know just a little bit about the person (I want to read one of his books) from other books and videos. I would think he would have already a girlfriend or family. From the three methods, definitely, the face to face approach in the street looks so much better (and that’s what I would like to do)
CNI performance: I have used kubernetes since I studied for CKAD but still I am interested in the networks side. I didn’t know about Kube-router and it did great! I am bit surprised with Calico as I have read more and more about Cilium.
rsync go: Interesting talk about rsync, as it explains how it works and it is something I didnt know. But then, all other things/projects mentioned are cool and related. I need to try to install rsync go in my vm. cccslides and repo
NASA to the moon: This is an engaging and provocative video regarding the Artemis III (project back to the moon II). He makes some hard questions to the people in charge (I have no clue about physics) and it seems he has a point. Not sure it this will get any effect but again, looks “smart”. When he mention the NASA SP287 (What made Apollo a success) document as the grial for going back to the moon, I wanted to get a copy (here) so I could read it one day.
Git options: Nice post about popular git config options. I am a very basic git user (and still sometimes I screw up) but the options to improve diff looks interesting so I will give it a go at work.
Undersea cable failures in Africa: It is clear that Africa relays heavily in submarine cables (it doesnt look like there are many cable systems intra continent). And the Red Sea is becoming a hot area due to different conflicts…
A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked. A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be patched up to make it work. You have to start over with a working simple system. (John Gall)
In programming, simplicity and clarity are a crucial matter that decides between success and failure. (Edsger Dijktra)
Log4j: This is old news but when it came out I tried to run the PoC but I failed This is just a reminder. It was annoying because I manged to install all tools but never managed to exploit it.
Done List: I feel totally identified. The to-do list is never done and you feel guilty. Done-list, much healthier.
Dan Lynch: He passed away, and as usual on my ignorance, it seems he is one of the unsung heroes of Internet, migrating ARPANET to TCP/IP.
Systems-Based Productivity: TEMPO refers to five dimensions of productivity: T (Time Management), E (Energy Management), M (Mindset), P (Proficiency) and O (Organization).
I hit rock bottom this week. I hope I finally closed one door in my life so I give myself the chance to open others. Made the wrong decision? It is easy when you look back. Do I regret it? The most annoying thing is these are failures so you can’t go back and recover. But I was so bloody newbie!!!…. At least after 5 years…
“For every reason it’s not possible, there are hundreds of people who have faced the same circumstances and succeeded.” Jack Canfield
Head down, crying, cursing, whatever, but forwards. As it has always been.
Somehow managed to list to long videos, something I normally can’t manage (because lack of time, etc)
Negative Beliefs, avoid bitterness, aim for greatness (remarkable things), scape the darkness: Jordan B Peterson with Modern Wisdom: video, podcast.
Find and keep Love: video. 1st Get your shit together. Communication is critical. Be careful with your shopping list….
Using gNOI capabilities to simplify software upgrade use case: video – I had to idea about gNOI so looks interesting. It is crazy that still in XXI, automating a network device is so painful. Thanks to all vendors to make your life miserable.
Go lang for network engineers: videoslides– I always thought that Golang had a massive potential for network automation but there was always lack of support and python is the king. So nice to see that Arista has things to offer.
There are more things, but havent had the chance to review them.
It looks there is new chatbot that is not using the standard NVIDIA GPU. Groq uses LPU (Language Processing Unit). And they say it is better than a GPU. They have this paper but I can’t really see feature of that LPU.
Slurp’it: Show this blog, and the product looks interesting but although is free, it is not opensource and at the end of they you dont want a new vendor-lockin
Container lab in kubernetes: Clabernetes. I would like to play with this one day.
NetDev0x17: videos and sessions. link This is quite low details and most of the time beyond my knowledge. Again, something to take a look at some point.
LLM from scratch: repo. Looks very interesting. But the book it is going to take a long time to hit the market.
From another security maillist, Mitre is mentioned a lot but till this week I didnt really dig a bit about. So copy/paste:
MITRE ATT&CK® is a globally-accessible knowledge base of adversary tactics and techniques based on real-world observations. The ATT&CK knowledge base is used as a foundation for the development of specific threat models and methodologies in the private sector, in government, and in the cybersecurity product and service community.
In similar subject, at some point, I would like to see how vulnerable my VPS is. Still not sure if would be usable or how to use Mittre to do that. At least to get some audit/basics done and improve my “security” knowledge a bit. As usual… time.
TCPLS: I know about QUIC (just the big picture) but this TCP+TLS implementation looks interesting. Although I am not sure if their test is that meaningful. A more “real” life example would be ideal (packet loss, jitter, etc)
ByPass CDN: I am not well versed in Cloud services but this looks like a interesting article CDN and WAF from a security perspective. It is the typical example of thinking out of the box, why the attacker can’t be a “customer” of the CDN too???
Packet Generator – BNG Blaster: I knew about TReX but never had the chance to use it and I know how expensive are the commercial solutions (shocking!) so this looks like a nice tool.
Reading a bit of old news about One-Time-Passwords attacks (link1 and link2) I realized that there is no much awareness in companies about this danger. Most people assume that having 2FA means the perfect security system. But it seems it is not and we have to be still even more vigilant. Trust is earned not deserved. So we need a bit of common sense practices spread around this topci. I liked the explanation about the link used for attacking coinbase and how slick was the method of using a subdomain that in a mobile screen only shows the small part and tricks you.