Beyond Order

After a bit, I finished this book. I didn’t read the first book that long ago but I felt sometimes it is was difficult to digest this one when he was very “technical”. I don’t remember that from the first.

One of my favourite things is the “Overture” where he gives you a bit of a summary about what has been ongoing with his own health and family health problems. Quite impressive. Then you still have a book.

Still I find quite impressive how much knowledge he can find from Religion (Old testament, New testament, etc), Harry Potter and other fairy tales.

There are rules that look common sense but you realized how easily you skip, ignore or dont notice them. I think it is a good guideline for Living.

1- Do not carelessly denigrate social institutions or creative achievement:

People depend on constant communication with others to keep their minds organized. We mostly think by talking. We need to talk both to remember and to forget. We outsource the problem of sanity. People remain mentally healthy not merely because of the integrity of their own minds, but because they are constantly being reminded how to think, act and speak by those around them.

I struggled to understand the title and although I highlight some lines. My take is that socializing is critical for our sanity. And that the social structures we have built during the last couple of millennia has help us to advance and keep sane. So institution is not just a physical building but our social rules

2- Imagine who you could be, and then aim singlemindedly at that:

Everybody requires a story to structure their perceptions and actions in what would be otherwise the overwhelming chaos of being. Every story needs a starting point that is not good enough and an ending that is better. Spirit eternally transcends dogma, truth transcends presupposition, creativity updates society. Those who break the rules ethically are those who have mastered them first and disciplined themselves to understand the necessity of those rules, and break them in keeping with the spirit rather than the letter of the law. The soul willing to transform is the most effective enemy of the demonics of ideology and totalitarianism, in their personal and social forms. Pick the best target you can currently conceptualize, stumble toward it. Somethinig profund, noble and lofty. If you can find a better path along the way, once you have started moving forwards, then switch course. Be careful, with giving up, if the new path appears more challenging, then you are not betraying yourself when changing your mind. You will zigzag forwards (amen), not efficient, but there is no alternative as the goals will change, as you learn what you need to learn while you are disciplining yourself. With will and luck, you will find a story that is meaningful and productive, improves itself with time and provides you with moments of satisfaction.

3- Do not hide unwanted things in the fog:

Do not pretend you are happy with something if you are not, and if a reasonable solution might, in principle, be negotiated, have the damn fight. Unpleasant in the moment, but it is one less straw on the camel’s back. Life is what repeats, and it is worth getting what repeats right. if you keep small things unresolved, as any compound interest, in the long run, it will be a disaster. Even if you try, you can fail. But if you dont try, for sure, you will fail. It is better to see the problems than keeping in the fog, because you can at least sometimes avoid the danger that you are willing to see.

Clean your room, and if possible, beautify it.

It is difficult to win an argument, or begin one, if you have not carefully articulated what you want (or do not) and need (or do not)

4- Notice that opportunity lurks where responsibility has been abdicated:

If you want to be invaluable in a workspace, just do the useful things no one else is doing. Learn more about the business and competition.

Difficult is necessary: It is a strange and paradoxical fact that there is a reciprocal relationship between the worth of something and the difficulty of achieving it.

By taking responsability, we can find a meaningful path, improve our personal lot psychologically and make what is intolerably wrong, better.

If you mistep while doing something, you can learn from it. You must risk something that matters.

You must sacrifice something of your manifold potential in exchange for something real in life. Aim at something. Discipline yourself or suffer the consequence = all suffering of life, with none of the meaning = better description of hell.

The voluntary confrontation with a feared, hated or despised obstacle is curative. We become stronger by voluntarily facing what stops our progress.

It is probable, inevitable, that the adventure of your life will frustrate, disappoint and unsettle you, but that is where the deep meaning that orients you and shelters you is to be found. That is where the life what is worth living is to be eternally found. (if only you are willing)

5- Do not do what you hate:

Part of moving Beyond Order is understanding that your conscience has a primary claim on your action, which supersedes your conventional social duty. If you device to stand up and refuse a command or do something of which others disapprove but your firmly believe to be correct, you must be in a position to trust yourself.

6- Abandon ideology:

Ideology is dead (like God as Nietzsche said).We should address and consider smaller, better defined problems. Start small so you can solve them (and not blaming somebody else), then get to bigger ones. Scale. Take it personally and take responsibility of the outcome.

Have some humility. Clean up your room. Take care of your family. Follow your conscience. Straighten up your life. Find something productive and interesting to do and commit. Rinse and repeat.

7- Work as hard as you possibly can on at least one thing and see what happens

The inability to decide among ten (ie) things, even desirable, is equivalent to torment by all of them. Clear goals limit and simplify the world, as well, reducing uncertainty, anxiety, shame and stress.

To move forwards with resolve, it is necessary to be organized – to be directed toward something singular and identifiable.

Aim. Point. All this is part of maturation and discipline, and something to be properly valued. if you aim at nothing, you become plagued by everything. If you aim at nothing, you have nowhere to go, nothing to do and nothing of high value in your life, as value requires the ranking of options and sacrifice of the lower to the higher.

Commitments with enduring value: character, love, family, friendship and career.

People who do not choose a job or a career commonly become unmoored and drift. The same for not committing to a single romantic partner or being loyal to friends.

If you work as hard as you can on one thing, you will change. You will become one instead of a multitude.

8- Try to make one room in your home as beautiful as possible.

Cleaning your room is not enough. Making something beautiful is difficult. If you do one thing beautiful in your life, then you can expand to other elements of your life and world. That is a reconnection with the immortality of childhood. Find one that speaks to you and make the purchase. Art is the bedrock of culture of itself. That unites psychologically and establish productive peace with others. “Man shall not live by bread alone” (Matthew 4:4). I always say that I just need bread and water… (and then I say to myself, I need/want company) When we become adults , we see the work differently: we want efficiency, accomplishment and order. A child is focus in the present and gets fascinated by that.

Artists are always transforming chaos into order. That happens a lot in cities where they relocated to rough areas and they transform them to nice places. Then the capitalism throws them away to a new place. Start again. They are the initial civilizing agents.

You are very creative when you are dreaming. Beauty leads back to what you have lost.

9- If old memories still upset you, write them down carefully and completely

Learn from the past. Or repeat its horrors forever. And for that, you need to understand it, and one of the best ways it is to write it down: reduces existential uncertainty, anxiety, improves mental health and boosts immunological function.

Your refusal or even inability to come to terms with the errors of the past expands the source of such error. So you must confess, repent and change (when wrong). You must humbly ask, and knock, and seek.

What is traumatic but remains inexplicable indicates that our “maps” world is insufficient in some vital manner. It is our destiny to transform chaos into order. If the past has not been ordered, the chaos is still haunts us.

10- Plan and work diligently to maintain the romance in your relationship

You need a strategy and that depends of a negotiation. You and your partner must know what the other wants/needs and you both need the will to discuss it. If you dont communicate, the other has to guess: recipe for disaster. Romance requires trust and that is based on truth. Still there will be bad times (and not short in time). So for that reason to you need to have that communication. In the bad moments, you have to past the tears to have a real conversation. Do not foolishly confuse “nice” with “good”. Dedicate team each week to talk to your partner purely about practical and personal matters. Dont skip it and make it count.

Assumptions that are not true: 1) there is somebody out there that is perfect and 2) there is somebody out there that is perfect for you.

The myth of spontaneity (I love this one). You are adults, both have (demanding) jobs, (demanding) family and other (demanding) duties. And you have to sleep, eat, commute, etc. Where do you fit that in that life schedule? And you dont settle for anything less than spontaneity??? Good luck.

Arrange some dates and practice. Negotiate and practice. Bloody communicate.

11- Do not allow yourself to become resentful, deceitful or arrogant

It is difficult to learn (X), because there is no story associated with it. If someone is telling you a story, it attracts your attention immediately (ie periodic table)

Malevolence exists in our hearts, mastering it constitutes the greatest and unlikeliest of individual achievements.

We are built, neurologically, to interpret the world in a dramatic manner due to the hypothalamus, our ancient/reptile brain. It is in charge of self-preservation and exploration. So the hypothalamic story is: drink, eat, reproduce (sex), watch out for monsters and explore to be able to the the beginning. We are driven to explore.

Sacrifice: discovery of the future. abandon impulse gratification (present), obtain something valuable in the long run (future)

Deal with problems is part of living. If you isolate from evil, you will end like the Disney movies. And like Buddha, he escaped a “perfect” life because it was not natural. And in Matrix whole crops of humans were lost because we can’t live in a perfect world…. That avoids resentment because you dont feel like a victim anymore.

We must listen to people who differ from us because they have the ability to see and react to what we can’t see/detect.

Encouragement (see the problems, analyze, divide, make a plan) makes people to face the problems head-on. That is voluntary. You become braver, stronger and more courageous. We have more of that than we think.

The alternative is resentment and that doesn’t make any good.

If you take your turn at the difficult tasks, people learn to trust you, you learn to trust yourself, and you get better at doing difficult things. You can’t get away with avoiding your responsibilities (problem with your partner, at work, etc). This is connected to with disbelief in our own capabilities (Adam blamed Eva for eating the apple….)

The right attitude to the horror of existence (the alternative to resentment, deceit and arrogance) is the assumption that there is enough of you, society and the world to justify existence.

12- Be grateful in spite of your suffering

You can’t be really grateful or thankful for what good you have and what bad hasn’t hit you until you encounter the darkness of living. You look in dark places to protect/prepare yourself, because they will come. Human race has been dealing with death forever. We are the descendants of those who managed it. So that is in all of us. You are morally obligated to manifest strength in the face of adversity to indicate to yourself (and whoever is around) that there is something in you enough to face the worst throw to you and still prevail. That can make a bad situation much less dreadful that it might be. And that’s something.

Gratitude is therefore the process of consciously and courageously attempting thankfulness in the face of catastrophe in life (this is something in which you can discover part of the antidote to the abyss and the darkness)

Bakeries p1

I want to try to visit one bakery from time to time and see the new city. First some old visits for this year:

Fortitude: I went there last time I was in London…. I tried two things, they were nice. I dont remember the names though (like girls ๐Ÿ™‚ The one below looked big but it was mainly the cream.

Arome: I went early this year I think. It was a bit late and I tried the best seller that is like a thick slice of bread caramelised. It was nice, super crispy outside and juicy. And looked simple.

From this video, you can see both places above. Although, I should try others mentioned in the video.

And this is the page I am following to plan my visits in Berlin:

Sofi: I wen there today. Really impressed with the “pain aux raisins”style pastry but it was really cardamon… super crispy.

I bought a piece of rye with seeds bread too:

It is nice, and I have similar recipe so I can do it.

Domberger Brot-Werk: I went there last week, very nice place. I didnt take any picture but I tried:

  • Vinschgerl: small bread roll, rye flour and spices.

Johann Backerei: It wasn’t in my plan this weekend but I went there and I tried a “pain au chocolate” that was good and 1/4 of big piece of bread. And that was amazing!

The bread was still warm! (and I bought it after 2pm!) I think it is wholemeal flour because it is darker than mine, very dark crust. I am not sure if it has some spieces? The webpage doesnt say much and then you just have IG……

KEIT: I tried the “Toast” bread that is not actually the standard toast bread. I got a bit late and they didnt have small pieces of the bread I wanted to try. I managed to have a conversation with the shop assistant as there was nobody waiting and she recommended that.

And too be honest, I was quite surprised. It was very tasty, spongy and moist. So definitely not the standard toast bread. Based on the webpage, the ingredients are: natural sourdough, oat porridge, spelt flour (Dinkel) 630, water, thermal salt. At some point I want to try new recipes of sourdough.

Albatross: I bought a piece of bread and a pastry (queen a). The pastry was good, but I wouldn’t go there again just for that. But the bread was amazing! It was the house bread.:

80% Wheat
15% Wholegrain Wheat
5% Rye

So jealous… the crust, the crumb, the taste. Every perfect.

VimGPT – Maia AI – Mirai – Reptar – Mellanox Debian – RISC-V DC – Mojo – Moors Law

VimGTP: Very interesting project. I haven’t used it. But thinking aloud, you could use it to interact with sites that dont have API (couriers)? I think with Selenium you can do things like that?

Maia AI: CLoud providers like to be masters of their own destiny so try to build as many things by themselves as possible. So now MS has developed its GPU for AI. It is quite interesting the custom rack they had to built with the sidekick for cooling down the new chips. There are no many figures about the chip (5nm, 105b transistors) to compare with other things in the market.

Reptar: new Intel CPU vulnerability. It looks like is a feature from Ice Lake architecture. It looks like you can crash the cores but no yet take over. Still interesting.

I am not affected ๐Ÿ™‚

$ grep fsrm /proc/cpuinfo

Mellanox with Debian: Interesting how you can install a nearly standard Debian into a Mellanox SN2700 switch.

RISC-V into datacenter: Happy to see RISC-V chips in the datacenter. But not clear who is going to use them?

Mirai history: I think most of wired articles read like a holywood movie ๐Ÿ™‚ Although 2016 security issues are “old” school, still interesting how teenagers got that far.

Mojo: Interesting because of the people behind of it… really impressive.

Moor’s law analysis: I liked the part about networks, that is not very common mentioned in these type of analysis.


This is dish I wanted to try for some time. I knew about it by chance after reading about the favourite dish from a football player and then by chance, having it by lunch one day at work. It was very tasty, looked healthy and not very complicated. So finally, this weekend I tried it.

I followed this video but not to the dot as I missed/forgot some ingredients. Still, the result was quite good. I only did the tomate sauce


  • 1 can of chickpeas (I didnt use because I had too much food)
  • 3/4 glass of green/brown lentils
  • 1 can of good pasata
  • 6-7 minced garlic cloves
  • 3/5 glass of rice (I used basmati)
  • 1 glass of pasta
  • 7 small onions, sliced (not diced)
  • Pepper, salt, ground coriander, chilli flakes
  • Olive oil
  • 1 glass of sunflour oil for deepfrying.


  • In a bowl, put the sliced onions with a bit of salt, pepper, ground coriander and chilli flakes. Toss it to be sure everything is well mixed. The idea is to make the onions to sweat a bit.

  • Cook the lentils in a deep saucepan. Add two parts of boiling water for 1 part of lentils. 1 tsp of coriander and salt + pepper.
  • Dont over cook it, something “aldente”
  • Keep the water of the lentils to cook the pasta. Let aside the lentils.

  • Cook the pasta with the lentils water. Again, till “aldente”. Set aside.
  • Save the water for the last step.

  • Heat up a a frying pan. Once hot, add some oil and the minced garlic. BE CAREFUL dont burn them!
  • Add the tomate pasata to the garlic. Add some salt/pepper. Taste.
  • Let it cook at medium heath until thickened. Set aside

  • In the deep saucepan used for the lentils, heat up the sunflour oil
  • Once it is hot, add a handfull of onios.
  • NOTE: Leave a hand of onions without frying for next step
  • Let if try for over 10 minutes or until brown (but not burned!)
  • Remove the onions and let them dry with kitchen paper to absorve the oil. Separate them so they dont stick each other.
  • Repeat the process with another batch of onions untill all are done.

  • In the same saucepan as the onions. Remove some oil, try to clean any debris.
  • Once is hot again, add the leftover onios. Fry until golden.
  • Reduce to low-middle heat.
  • Add the rice, mix very well so it doesnt stick to the bottom
  • Add a couple of tbs of tomate sauce
  • Add the pasta water. Top up if needed.
  • Once the rice is done. Add the lentils and pasta. Mix all carefull
  • For serving, add the rice/lentil/pasta base
  • Add some tbs of tomate on top
  • Add some crispy onions on top.

In the middle of the process:


It didnt taste like the one I remember but it was quite good.

For next time, I need to make the Dakkah, Garlic Vinegar sauce.

Git merge vs rebase, diff, patch, stash

This week I have had a bit of a struggle with git when trying to develop a change and I was getting constant conflicts when trying to get my branch up to date with main. A refresh for merge vs rebase. When I first started with git, the environment was pro rebase. But after that job, all places were pro merge. Somehow I visualize better a rebase. I will start using rebase to see if I really understand. That’s how I finally managed to push my change into master. I had a diff generated by my gitlab PR and applied it into master. Something I already commented about but hardly used. Never used it but I was reading about this week as I thought was my only way out from the merge conflict nightmare I was in.

AusNOG 2023

Nice NOG meeting:

Vendor Support API: Interesting how Telstra uses Juniper TAC API to handle power supplies replacement. I was surprised that they are able to get the RMA and just try to replace it. If they dont need it, they send it back… That saves time to Telstra for sure. The problem I can see here is when you need to open ticket for inbound/outbound deliveries in the datacenters, that dont have any API at all. If datacenters and big courier companies had API as 1st class citizends, incredible things could happens. Still just being able to have zero-touch replacement for power supplies is a start.

No Packet Behind – AWS: I think until pass the first 30 minutes, there is nothing new that hasnt been published in other NOG meeting between 2022 and 2023. At least the mention the name of the latest fabric, Final Cat. As well, they mention issues with IPv6 deployment.

There are other interesting talks but without video so the pdf only doesnt really give me much (like the AWS live premium talk)


Somehow my linux laptop sometimes disables WIFI when I upgrade it. It doesnt really bother me as I can enable it by an icon in the UI but one day my UI lost the panel with that icon after another upgrade. So I had to learn how to enable the wifi. Via this page, I learned about the different status and then checking the options of rkfill command got my WIFI enabled back again.

# rfkill list
0: phy0: Wireless LAN
	Soft blocked: yes
	Hard blocked: no
1: hci0: Bluetooth
	Soft blocked: yes
	Hard blocked: no
# rfkill unblock wifi
# rfkill list
0: phy0: Wireless LAN
	Soft blocked: no
	Hard blocked: no
1: hci0: Bluetooth
	Soft blocked: yes
	Hard blocked: no

At some point, I would like to test bluetooth in my laptop.


I have never heard of Wistron until I reached this page. Maybe it is because:

Wistron typically only sells to hyper-scalers

I guess the hyperscalers put their own NOS on top? Anyway, quite interesting the model with 16 ports for Optical SN (that is 4x400G per port).


From another security maillist, Mitre is mentioned a lot but till this week I didnt really dig a bit about. So copy/paste:

MITRE ATT&CKยฎย is a globally-accessible knowledge base of adversary tactics and techniques based on real-world observations. The ATT&CK knowledge base is used as a foundation for the development of specific threat models and methodologies in the private sector, in government, and in the cybersecurity product and service community.

In similar subject, at some point, I would like to see how vulnerable my VPS is. Still not sure if would be usable or how to use Mittre to do that. At least to get some audit/basics done and improve my “security” knowledge a bit. As usual… time.

Google Spanner

From an email list, I read something about Gmail migration to Spanner. I was a bit surprised because I use gmail and didnt know anything about it. That email sent me to this page. That migration had to be a monster one! More details here. From the first page, I had a bit more info about Falcon. In summary, that is part of a bigger picture about building the “AI-driven” future infrastructure.