
“Patatas con ajo” was a typical side dish I had with a beef steak when I was a kid. I remember that acid/strong flavour of the potatoes. I have tried a couple of time lately and I couldn’t find the flavour. So I check a couple of videos, and this one gave me the clue, vinager! And then I realised that very likely in each household, this recipe has a different name like “patatas a la vinagreta”.

In my case, the potatoes are fried with much less olive oil so they dont get that crispy. Once they are cooked, removed from the pan, and put chopped garlic, parsly and vinager (I used white wine one). Cooked for 30 sec and then add again the potatoes. Be sure everything gets mixed. Then remove from the heat.

I found that childhood taste! And the day after, they were even better!


In one of the summaries I receive, I checked this article. I had read before about vertical farming and I thought it was a really interesting idea, mainly for the saving in water and soil. But I never thought that they were actually quite expensive to run because the electricity and tech needed (and real state). I am pretty sure that at some point not very far in the future they will be cost effective. Although it doesn’t feel natural.


This is the last book I read this week. I bought it after reading other book this Summer about focus. And to be honest, I was quite surprised. The main idea is if you believe your capabilities/skills are born with you or you can develop them. Dr Carol Dweck shows how is life when you think you can develop your skills. And that is useful for anything. As well, you can have a growing mindset for some things and a static mindset for others. My mindset for the book was that it was going to be all about career and hard work. But I was surprised that there were more subjects related to a growing mindset, like education (children), family and relationships. I was to narrow-minded initially to the idea of growing mindset but it makes sense to apply it for everything in life. Learn when you have static mindset and make the effort to grow. Drop by drop, the bucket gets filled, said my Golang instructor. I really liked the examples about teachers who went beyond anything to show their pupils they could learn, and they did. And reminded me to the Dangerous Minds movie. I have told myself millions times that some people are born smart and I am not. But I need to realize that I have been growing since I decided to study and advance in my life. So, keep applying it, keep growing. For study, for work, for sport and relationships…


I finished this book this week. My favourite part was the introduction as it gives a brief view of China’s history and the thought schools developed around 100-500 BCE. One of the main figures of that time is Confucius and his school of Confucianism. Other school developed in that time was Taosim. It looks back to an ideal time even before the origins of the first Chinese kingdoms, all based in a basic way of life: survive with the minimum and avoid problems. There are a lot mysticism and no much logic in the statements, but it seems that’s the goal. Follow life, it is not lead by logic (as we would like).

Some of my favourites:

Knowing others is intelligent.

Knowing yourself is enlightment.

Conquering others takes force

Conquering yourself is true strenght

Knowing what is enough is wealth

Forging ahead shows inner resolve.

At the end, the book is small, but it can be tricky to understand. The philosophy is quite different from the Western one I am use to but I liked it. There are always small gems to take with you.


Reading in a chat roon, somebody posted this. I thought this is so current, but realized it is from 1988 and from John Carpenter. In my mind he only filmed horror movies but this one looks like it has something else. Will watch it next week.


This is a very interesting blog entry from Cloudflare about PDU deployments in DCs and the theory behind. Nowadays nearly everything is cloud oriented. But we forget they still need to be deployed physically. In a old job, going dense in physical setups, requires more power and 3-phase PDUs where a must. The blog is quite good explaining the reasons to move to 3-phase and the challenges to balance the power. When you buy “colo”, you buy space and power, and that is not cheap.


This week I read that kubernetes is going to stop support for Docker soon. I was quite surprised. I am not an expert so it seems they have legit reasons. But I haven’t read anything from the other side. I think it is going to be painful so I need to try that in my lab and see how to do that migration. It has to be nice to learn that.

In the other end, I read a blog entry about ASICs from Cloudflare. I think without getting too technical it is a good one. And I learn about the different type of ASICs from Juniper. In the last years, I have only used devices powered by Broadcom ASICs. One day, I would like to try that P4/Barefoot Tofino devices. And related to this, I remember this NANOG presentation about ASICs that is really good (and fun!).


This is a very tasty biscuit and very simple to make. Just three ingredients plus a pinch of salt: flour, sugar and butter. I tried a couple of weeks ago for the base of a cake and really liked the buttery flavour. This biscuits are supercheap so not sure how much real butter they have. Last week I tried this recipe and I failed miserably. So I decided to try again but using a video so I can be sure the dough has the expected texture. So I tried this video. And it was quite good!


250g unsalted butter – room temperature

125g custer suggar

375g plain flour

pinch of salt


Mix everything in a bowl using your hands until getting a solid ball. Then you can spread with a rolling pin. I like thick, so a bit less than a finger. Then cut them in the shape you prefer. Use a fork to make some holes. Dust a big of sugar on top. Put in the fridge while preheat the oven at 175C. Once it is hot, put inside until slightly golden. Let them cool down in a rack. It is ok if they look soft.

This time they looked nice! Maybe I should have remove them a bit earlier from the oven.

To be honest, the taste wasn’t as buttery as the ones from the shop (the ingredients list wasnt 3…) but I am quite happy with them. Only 3 (basic) ingredients. Pretty quick to bake. And still had a dough ball in the fridge because my try was small. So you can have biscuits quickly next weekend.


I have reading this book (1st edit – quite old) in the last months after breakfast. So I am taking some notes. I think they are things useful and I should use them. So try to write, understand, remember and use.

I am using bash 5.1.0(1)-rc3

$ bash --version
GNU bash, version 5.1.0(1)-rc3 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)

1- Quoting

Shell quoting: Enclose a string in single quotes unless it contains elements that you want the shell to interpolate

$ echo John has $100 note?!
John has 00 note?!
$ echo "John has $100 note?!"
John has 00 note?!
$ echo 'John has $100 note?!'
John has $100 note?!

You can’t embed a single quote inside single quotes even with a backslash. Nothing is interpolated inside single quotes. Workaround is using double quotes with escapes or, escaping a single quote outside of surrounding single quotes.

$ echo 'John doesn't have $100 notes'
$ echo "John doesn't have $100 notes"
John doesn't have 00 notes
$ echo "John doesn't have \$100 notes"
John doesn't have $100 notes
$ echo 'John doesn'\''t have $100 notes'
John doesn't have $100 notes

2- Standard Output/Input

Redirect output from “ls”: It can be confusing when redirecting output from “ls” to a file and then read it as you dont see the expected format. Using “-C” you ensure the redirection will be based on “Colummns”. By default (-1), the output will be based on lines.

$ ls -ltr
total 92
-rw-r--r-- 1 tomas tomas 72533 Jul 27 2016
-rw-r--r-- 1 tomas tomas 16087 Jul 27 2016
drwxr-xr-x 2 tomas tomas 4096 Dec 10 2017 autoload
$ ls autoload
$ ls > /tmp/test.txt
$ cat /tmp/test.txt    --> You would expect just one line like "ls"????
$ ls -C > /tmp/test2.txt
$ cat /tmp/test2.txt   --> Yes, this is the same output of standard "ls" autoload
$ ls -C autoload
$ ls -1

Redirect output and error to different files:

$ ls -ltr /boot/* > /tmp/test-out.txt 2> /tmp/test-err.txt
$ cat /tmp/test-out.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 73210069 Nov 28 11:10 /boot/initrd.img-5.9.0-1-amd64
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 234724 Nov 28 11:10 /boot/config-5.9.0-1-amd64
total 2379
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2394102 Nov 14 18:12 unicode.pf2
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 8362 Nov 28 10:53 grub.cfg
$ cat /tmp/test-err.txt
ls: cannot open directory '/boot/efi': Permission denied
ls: cannot open directory '/boot/lost+found': Permission denied

Redirect output and error to same file, use “>&“. Other option is “$ program > outfile 2>&1

$ ls -ltr /boot/* >& /tmp/test-both.txt
$ cat /tmp/test-both.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 73210069 Nov 28 11:10 /boot/initrd.img-5.9.0-1-amd64
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 234724 Nov 28 11:10 /boot/config-5.9.0-1-amd64
ls: cannot open directory '/boot/efi': Permission denied
ls: cannot open directory '/boot/lost+found': Permission denied
total 2379
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2394102 Nov 14 18:12 unicode.pf2
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 8362 Nov 28 10:53 grub.cfg
$ ls -ltr /boot/* > /tmp/test3.txt
ls: cannot open directory '/boot/efi': Permission denied
ls: cannot open directory '/boot/lost+found': Permission denied

Grouping output from several commands: Use () for grouping them

:/tmp/aaa/bbb$ (ls -ltr; pwd; cd ..; ls -ltr; pwd) > /tmp/all.txt
:/tmp/aaa/bbb$ cat /tmp/all.txt
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 tomas tomas 0 Nov 28 16:28 b.txt
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 2 tomas tomas 4096 Nov 28 16:28 bbb
-rw-r--r-- 1 tomas tomas 0 Nov 28 16:28 aaa.txt

tee“: read from standard input and write to standard output and files:

:/tmp/bbb$ ls -ltr
total 32
-rw-r--r-- 1 tomas tomas 30 Nov 28 15:29 test.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 tomas tomas 32 Nov 28 15:30 test2.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 tomas tomas 58 Nov 28 15:38 error.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 tomas tomas 935 Nov 28 15:57 test-out.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 tomas tomas 121 Nov 28 15:57 test-err.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 tomas tomas 1056 Nov 28 15:59 test-both.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 tomas tomas 935 Nov 28 16:00 test3.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 tomas tomas 1 Nov 28 16:47 all.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 tomas tomas 0 Nov 28 16:52 a.a
-rw-r--r-- 1 tomas tomas 0 Nov 28 16:52 a.aa
-rw-r--r-- 1 tomas tomas 0 Nov 28 16:52
:/tmp/bbb$ find . -name '*.txt'
:/tmp/bbb$ find . -name '.txt' | tee /tmp/tee.txt
:/tmp/bbb$ cat /tmp/tee.txt

Here-Doc: use \EOF to turn off shell scripting features inside here-doc.

:/tmp/aaa$ bash here.txt bb
bb $2
:/tmp/aaa$ bash here.txt aa
aa $1
:/tmp/aaa$ cat here.txt
here-doc example
grep $1 <<\EOF
name note
aa $1
bb $2
cc $3

“$?”return non-zero if the last command fails.

:/tmp$ pwd
:/tmp$ echo $?

“&&” run next program if the preceding program worked (logic and)

:/tmp$ ./test && date
bash: ./test: No such file or directory
:/tmp$ pwd && date
Sat 28 Nov 17:20:50 GMT 2020

“||” (logic or)

:/tmp/aaa$ ./test || ( printf "%b" "Failed.\n")
bash: ./test: No such file or directory

nohup: run job in background and exit shell before finishing job.

$ nohup ./long-script &

for loop:

:/tmp/aaa$ for FILE in bbb/*
if [ -f $FILE ]
cat $FILE
a file
b file
c file
:/tmp/aaa$ ls -ltr bbb/
total 12
-rw-r--r-- 1 tomas tomas 7 Nov 28 17:30 a.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 tomas tomas 7 Nov 28 17:30 b.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 tomas tomas 7 Nov 28 17:31 c.txt


Ribs is something I tried for first time some years a go in a BBQ restaurant. I wanted to try for some time. So I checked these two videos: american versionspanish version.

I followed the American version mainly. I bought two rack of small pork ribs. Whatever my butcher had left.

First thing, I salt them as I was going to cook them the next day.

Pre-heat oven at 150C

Rib Rub: Salt, pepper, garlic powder, paprika. (for nex time, I need to add coffee)

BBQ Sauce: ketchup, mustard, sugar, soy sauce, apple vinegar, salt, garlic powder, paprika.

Dry the ribs with kitchen paper. Spread your rib rub thoroughly in the rack. Spread a bit of vinegar to give some moist. Wrap the ribs very tightly with aluminium foil.

Put the ribs in the oven at 150C for 2.5h – 3h.

The challenge here is to be sure if the ribs are cooked as you can’t see them. But the result was good:

They looked tender! And there was sauce around so I think it is a good sign that they are not dry! And could pull a bone easily!

Now last part. Use a brash to spread your bbq sauce on the top and put then back in the oven at 200C for 10 minutes (or until the sauce is a bit dry)

Then you are ready!

It was really testy for the first time!

A couple of days later, I tried the second rack…. and the result wasnt that good. I put the ribs at 200C for nearly 3h.. they turned up dry 🙁

Well, that’s experience. But I am glad of trying!