python vu: replacement for pip, pyenv, etc. Need to try
InfraHub: As a network engineer interested in Automation. This looks interesting and I would like to go deeper to fully understand as it is the merge of the typical source of truth (DB) that you can’t get in git.
Segment Routing Controller: This is another thing I played with some years ago, but never found a controller to make TE. I dont see clearly this software is OSS but at least doesnt look like is a vendor-lock…
Cloudflare and Let’s Encrypt’s certificate change: I haven’t heard of this until recently. I use Let’s Encrypt so as far as I can read, makes sense what they are doing. But didnt know 2% Cloudflare customer were using the “cert”
ChatDev: Communicate agents for software development. I am a not a developer but I would use this just as a starting point If I have any idea for a project. I would remove the C-suite agents, at least for low level projects.
IB vs Ethernet: A bit of bias here (the author is from Broadcom -> Ethernet). I have no hands-on experience with IB, but I have read the cables are not cheap… Let’s see when UltraEthernet gets into the market. Another view.
Slingshot and Juniper: A bit of bias again as HP bought Juniper. So how will these interconnects fade inside the company? As far as I know, most supercomputers use some “special” interconnect so not much ethernet there. But the money nowadays is in AI infra… Paper for slingshot (haven’t read it)
Tailscale SSH, wireguard throughput: These are things I should a spend a bit of time one day and consider if I should use them (I dont like it is not opensource though). This netmaker?
Jocko Willink: Discipline = Freedom. Remember but not dwell. Good leader, delegate. Be a man -> take action, bonding (pick your activity)
Jimmy Carr: Imposter syndrome each 18 months, so you have to stand-up. People crave the success not the journey. Teaching comedy good for communicating.
Sam Altman – Stanford 2024: First time I see him talking. It has some funny moments. More powerful computers. I missed a question about opensource LLM and closed ones.
Find a girlfriend: I know just a little bit about the person (I want to read one of his books) from other books and videos. I would think he would have already a girlfriend or family. From the three methods, definitely, the face to face approach in the street looks so much better (and that’s what I would like to do)
CNI performance: I have used kubernetes since I studied for CKAD but still I am interested in the networks side. I didn’t know about Kube-router and it did great! I am bit surprised with Calico as I have read more and more about Cilium.
LaVague: There are web services that dont have API so this could help me to automate the interaction with them? I need to test. Another question, i am not sure if lavague has an API itself!
S3: I had this in my to-read list for a long time… and I after reading today I was a bit surprised because it wasn’t really technical as I expected. The takeouts are: Durability reviews, lightweight formal verification and ownership.
Stratego: I have never played this game but I was surprised that is more “complex” than chess and go. And how DeepNash can bluff and do unexpected things.
I hit rock bottom this week. I hope I finally closed one door in my life so I give myself the chance to open others. Made the wrong decision? It is easy when you look back. Do I regret it? The most annoying thing is these are failures so you can’t go back and recover. But I was so bloody newbie!!!…. At least after 5 years…
“For every reason it’s not possible, there are hundreds of people who have faced the same circumstances and succeeded.” Jack Canfield
Head down, crying, cursing, whatever, but forwards. As it has always been.
Somehow managed to list to long videos, something I normally can’t manage (because lack of time, etc)
Negative Beliefs, avoid bitterness, aim for greatness (remarkable things), scape the darkness: Jordan B Peterson with Modern Wisdom: video, podcast.
Find and keep Love: video. 1st Get your shit together. Communication is critical. Be careful with your shopping list….
Using gNOI capabilities to simplify software upgrade use case: video – I had to idea about gNOI so looks interesting. It is crazy that still in XXI, automating a network device is so painful. Thanks to all vendors to make your life miserable.
Go lang for network engineers: videoslides– I always thought that Golang had a massive potential for network automation but there was always lack of support and python is the king. So nice to see that Arista has things to offer.
There are more things, but havent had the chance to review them.
It looks there is new chatbot that is not using the standard NVIDIA GPU. Groq uses LPU (Language Processing Unit). And they say it is better than a GPU. They have this paper but I can’t really see feature of that LPU.
Slurp’it: Show this blog, and the product looks interesting but although is free, it is not opensource and at the end of they you dont want a new vendor-lockin
Container lab in kubernetes: Clabernetes. I would like to play with this one day.
NetDev0x17: videos and sessions. link This is quite low details and most of the time beyond my knowledge. Again, something to take a look at some point.
LLM from scratch: repo. Looks very interesting. But the book it is going to take a long time to hit the market.
Vendor Support API: Interesting how Telstra uses Juniper TAC API to handle power supplies replacement. I was surprised that they are able to get the RMA and just try to replace it. If they dont need it, they send it back… That saves time to Telstra for sure. The problem I can see here is when you need to open ticket for inbound/outbound deliveries in the datacenters, that dont have any API at all. If datacenters and big courier companies had API as 1st class citizends, incredible things could happens. Still just being able to have zero-touch replacement for power supplies is a start.
No Packet Behind – AWS: I think until pass the first 30 minutes, there is nothing new that hasnt been published in other NOG meeting between 2022 and 2023. At least the mention the name of the latest fabric, Final Cat. As well, they mention issues with IPv6 deployment.
There are other interesting talks but without video so the pdf only doesnt really give me much (like the AWS live premium talk)
I haven’t watched this video, but looks like the holly book of curl!!!
I'd recommend starting at ~34 minutes.
·You can specify multiple URLS with multiple output options in a single command. Doing this or using globbing (see below) to the same host will use persistent connections and greatly improve performance because the same L5 session is used
·trurl is also made by the project and allows you to programmatically manipulate URLs (change server, path, query parameters, etc.). Pretty neat:
·curl supports URL globbing: curl https://{ftp,www,test}[1-22].jpg -o "foo_#2_#1.jpg"
·By default, curl will resolve requests serially when multiple URLS or globbing is specified, but curl is capable of doing parallel transfers with the -Z or --parallel option. And can do anywhere from 2-300 transfers in parallel. This also has the potential to parallel-ize HTTP/3 transfers even from single URLs.
·You can do curl --help category to get a list of help categories for narrowing down options by categories like http or output
· Long commands for curl can be specified in a file and given to curl either via stdin or -K / --config - These files are essentially just command lines in a file
·You can use the --trace option to provide tcpdump type output from curl. Saving the need to to start tcpdump in the background if you just want to see what's happening from curl
·You can use --connect-to to specify a different DNS name to go to (instead of the one specified in the URL) which is similar to the --resolve option, but doesn't require the user to lookup the IP address ahead of time
·You can override the DNS server that you use to resolve URLs via --dns-ipv4-addr for example
·You can add --libcurl to any curl command and it will spit out C source-code that implements the same command line in C via the library libcurl
·You can set the environment variable SSLKEYLOGFILE to a file name and it will save the runtime TLS secrets to that file, and use that file in WireShark along with a dump of the traffic from tcpdump to see the contents of encrypted HTTP streams
·You can choose to only download files that have changed since the last time they were downloaded with curl via --etag-save <etag_file> and --etag-compare <etag_file>
·You can skip adding the extra -H "Content-Type: application/json" when getting or posting JSON data (with -d), by specifying --json instead of just -d
·You can create JSON easily from the command line with the tool jo: (basically a reverse jq)
Rant about yaml. And something I learned about yaml some months ago and forgot about it: scalars for making multiline work in yaml.
Elixir: a programming language based on Erlang. Really impressive reports! But still I would like to learn golang (if I ever learn properly python 🙂
git stash: I didnt know about this git command until last week, very handy.
I guess this is a bit old news already. But I wanted to test it for some weeks. I have just made one question so far (and it failed a couple of times until I got an answer.
And my very first question was to list the most famous quotes from Aristotle to his actual writings. Why? Because you read many quotes from many famous people that are not actually true and it is very hard to really track if you dont read all books from that person. And to be honest, philosophy is not easy to digest.
Here are a few famous quotes from Aristotle that reference his actual writings:
"Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence." - Nicomachean Ethics
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." - Metaphysics
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." - Nicomachean Ethics
"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts." - Metaphysics
"Nature does nothing in vain." - Politics
Please note that these quotes should not be taken as direct verbatim from Aristotle's work but rather as a representation of his thoughts.
Apart from that, I wonder how is the infrastructure of this company? Is on premise or cloud? How is their DC network design? TCP? Checking one of the open positions it seems they have a pretty big cluster. Although they mention cloud platforms. And the company has some kind of agreement with MS (so Azure is going to be used)
This week a colleague pass this link about running kubernetes cluster running on Cilium. The interesting point is the high throughput is achieved by BIG TCP and IPv6!
The summary (copied) is:
TCP segments in the OS are up to 65K, NIC hardware does the segmentation – we do this now, but the 65K is a limitation of IPv4 addressing. BIG TCP uses IPv6 and allows much large TCP segments within OS currently 512K but theoretically higher. End result – better perf (>20% higher in this video) and latency (2.2x faster through the OS).
Then I saw this other video from John Ousterhout. It is similar topic as the Kubernetes video above as K8S is used mainly in datacenters.
High performance: – data throughput: full link speed for large messages – low tail latency: <10us for short messages? (DC) – message throughput: 100M short messages per second? (DC)
TCP issues in DC: 1- stream oriented (no load balancing) -> message based 2- connection oriented (can break infiniband!, expensive,)-> connectionless 3- fair scheduling (bw sharing) -> run to completion (SRPT) 4- sender-driven congestion control (based on buffer occupancy) -> receiver- driven congestion control 5- in-order delivery -> no ordering requirements
As well, it is important the move to NIC (as there is already a lot of NIC offloading).
His proposal for HOMA looks very nice but I like how he explains how dificult is going to be successful. Still worth trying.
$ docker run -p ubuntu bash
This binds port 8080 of the container to TCP port 80 on of the host machine. You can also specify udp and sctp ports. The Docker User Guide explains in detail how to manipulate ports in Docker.
3) HTTP status codes:
1xx informational
2xx Successful
201 created
204 no content (post received by server)
3xx Redirect
301 moved permanently - future requests should be directed to the given URI
302 found - requested resource resides temporally under a different URI
304 not modified
4xx Client Error
400 bad request
401 unauthorized (user not authenticated or failed)
403 forbidden (need permissions)
404 not found
5xx Server Error
500 internal server err - generic error message
501 not implemented
503 service unavailable
Basic: For "Basic" authentication the credentials are constructed by first combining the username and the password with a colon (aladdin:opensesame), and then by encoding the resulting string in base64 (YWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuc2VzYW1l).
The first two lines of this output show us information about file 1 and file 2. It lists the file name, modification date, and modification time of each of our files, one per line.
The lines below display the content of the files and how to modify file1.txt to make it identical to file2.txt.
- (minus) – it needs to be deleted from the first file. + (plus) – it needs to be added to the first file.
The next line has two at sign @ followed by a line range from the first file (in our case lines 1 through 4, separated by a comma) prefixed by “-“ and then space and then again followed by a line range from the second file prefixed by “+” and at the end two at sign @. Followed by the file content in output tells us which line remain unchanged and which lines needs to added or deleted(indicated by symbols) in the file 1 to make it identical to file 2.
.assertEqual(a, b) a == b
.assertTrue(x) bool(x) is True
.assertFalse(x) bool(x) is False
.assertIs(a, b) a is b
.assertIsNone(x) x is None
.assertIn(a, b) a in b
.assertIsInstance(a, b) isinstance(a, b)
*** .assertIs(), .assertIsNone(), .assertIn(), and .assertIsInstance() all have opposite methods, named .assertIsNot(), and so forth.