I watched this video and I had to try.
- 2 eggplants sliced
- flour for coating the eggplants
- salt, honey (optional)
- Sunflower oil for frying the eggplants
- 700g good tomato passate
- 3-4 garlic gloves chopped without core.
- fresh basil or dried oregano if you dont have it
- 2 balls of mozarrella (or smoked mozarrela if you find it)
- Parmigiano
- Spread salt generously over the eggplants. Let is rest for 30 minutes. This is very important step to remove the acidiness.
- The eggplants should have sweat some water. Clean all the slices with water and dried them with a towel.
- In a sauce plan at medium heat, pour a glop of olive oil, when hot, add the garlic. Dont burnt it !!! Then add the tomato passate and basil/oregano. Add salt/pepper. Add a bit of honey, optional. Simmer for 30 minutes or so. Leave aside.
- Heat up a pan with some sunflower oil to deep fry the eggplants. The oil is ready with you put the tip of a wood spoon and fezzes.
- Pre-heat oven at 200C
- Coat slightly the eggplant slices with flour and deep fry until golden in both sides. 2-3 minutes each side. This is the most tedious part. But it is worth it. After removing form the pan, use kitchen paper to absorbe excess oil.
- In an oven dish (metal/glass), pour a bit of the tomate sauce. Add a layer of eggplant, add slices of mozarella, add some basil/oregano, grated parmigiano . Repeat: tomate, eggplant, mozarella, basil/oregano, grated parmigiano.
- Bake in the oven at 200C for around 30 minutes of golden on top.
Really tasty!!!