
I fancied something light to read. Oh, how enjoyed those memories when I wished to be an archaeologist like Indy. It was like watching the movie again. I didnt care I knew every twist. It brought me some smiles. Pity I devoured it so fast. Will get to the last one at some point.


I had this book in the pipeline after reading “mindset”. I dont know but some part of me always think that I am going to find my universal solution in a book. The good thing, the other part knows that is not possible. We are happy at the end. My goal is to reach a stable state of “contentment” and resilience enough to weather anything found throw life. Contentment is enjoying (different from pleasure) what I do: working, cooking, reading, sport, etc. In balance. The books explain the search for happiness in our world. How the materialistic approach doesnt work and why and how some people reach it. You need a challenge, effort, instructions, goals, feedback, etc. One quite important thing is the challenge has to be possible with our skills. So we can improve our skills and grow. If it is too much, you may not even try and if you try, you will fell worse. This is very important in the work environment where all of us spent most of our time. How would be your life if you enjoy your work? I have reached a point, that enjoying is the most important point. And yes, money is important, but is not all. It is a balance. But not all is work, so finding meaning outside work is important too. So as the author says, the goal is to have a “flow” life. There is no work-life, family-life. There is just one life. And we need to find the way to enjoy our work (life)

I was quite surprised with the section about “The Waste of Free Time”, just two pages, but hit me hard. How eager we are for having free time but then we dont use it properly. It is mainly for the entertainment industry benefit.

“The future will belong not only to the educated, but to who is educated to use her/his leisure wisely”.

Another section very close to me is “Solitude”. It remind me to a Rafael Santandreu book. In a society/world where everything has to be connected. To be alone, looks like a recipe for disaster. But it doesnt have to be that way. I am in that path. For that I think it is very important to put order in your mind, and avoid “chaos”. Again, it is putting your goals, getting feedback, instructions, etc. It is your meaning.


I wanted to make a gnocchi dish for some time. I had a recipe at hand so I went for it. I used this video as a based for the gnocchi

Gnocchi in mushroom and asparagus sauce.


  • 1kg of boiled potatoes
  • 2 medium eggs
  • salt/pepper
  • 20g Parmesan cheese
  • 150g plain flour plus dusting

Mushroom and asparagus sauce:

  • a couple of garlic cloves
  • 200g mushrooms
  • 150g asparagus
  • 1/2 cup of white wine
  • 1 cup of chicken stock
  • Parmesan cheese
  • optional: lemon zest

Gnocchi Process:

  • 1) You can boil or bake the potatoes. Let it cool down a bit until you can manage with your hands. Keep the water for next steps.
  • 2) Put in a bowl, use a potato smasher to break them a bit.
  • 3) Add the eggs, salt, pepper and cheese. Mix a bit .and then
  • 4) Add the flour. You should get a ball. Be sure everything is properly combined.
  • 5) Get a saucepan with boiling water and salt from the first step.
  • 6) In your work surface, dust it with flour, device your dough in several parts. Roll each one until you have a flaute form. Add flour if it sticks too much. Cut them in small pieces
  • 7) Boil the gnocchi until the float. Remove from water and let them cool down in a try (put some olive oil so they dont stick to it)

Sauce Process:

  • 1) Fry the garlic in a sauce pan
  • 2) Add chopped mushrooms and asparagus. Salt and pepper. And other herbs you fancy
  • 3) Once the veggies are fried (medium-high heat), add the wine. It should evaporate quickly and form some brown bits in the pan.
  • 4) reduce heat, add the chicken stock. Stir from time to time until thickens a bit.
  • 5) Add the gnocchi to the sauce, with some pasta water. Be sure they are fully coated.
  • 6) You can fry a bit the gnocchi, be sure there is sauce left!
  • 7) Optional, add a bit of lemon zest.
  • 7) Remove pan from the heat, and let cool down for a bit. Ready to eat!

I was surprised by the gnocchi, they were much better than the ones you buy. It was like small dumplings balls! Very tasty.


It seems this is a typical Australian desert.


  • 250g golden caster sugar
  • 250g self raising flour
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 125g butter softened
  • 3 medium eggs
  • 3 tsb milk


  • 2 tsp icing sugar
  • 250g double cream
  • 200g jam (any red berries are nice)


  • 50g cocoa powder
  • 200g icing sugar
  • 80g butter melted
  • 200g milk
  • 200g desiccated coconut


  • 1) Pre-heat oven at 200C. Grease a baking try
  • 2) In a bowl, cream the butter and sugar.
  • 3) Add the eggs, one at each time. Only add the next one when is everything is properly combined
  • 4) Add the flour, milk and salt until fully combined. Pour the mix into the baking try.
  • 5) Bake for 20 minutes or until golden. Use a knife and be sure it comes up clean. Set aside to cool down
  • 6) Filling: In a bowl, sift the icing sugar and add the double cream. Mix with a hand blender until thick.
  • 7) Once the sponge is cold, slice it horizontally. In one side, pour the filling (use a spoon through boiling water to help you to spread it easier).
  • 8) On top of the filling, pour the jam, use again the spoon through boiling water.
  • 9) Sandwich the sponge back together. Let is chill in the fridge while preparing the coating.
  • 10) Whisk together the melted butter and milk in a bowl. In other bowl, sieve the cocoa powder and icing sugar. Bit by bit, add the cocoa/sugar mix to the butter mix. Whisk until no lumps.
  • 11) Cut the sponge in squares, dip each square in the cocoa mix until properly coated. Then roll in the desiccated coconut. Put aside.
  • 12) Once all squares are done, sprinkle some more coconut.
  • 13) Let the cocoa coating to settle for 1h. But next day are even better!


This is something I wanted to try from sometime. It is not my typical bread. I think I tried first time in a BBQ restaurant. I followed this recipe.


  • 120g butter
  • 1/2 bunch fresh sage + 1/2 bunch fresh thyme ( I used dried herbs I didnt have fresh)
  • 180g plain flour
  • 50g sugar
  • 3 heap tablespoons light brown sugar
  • 6g fine sea salt
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • 180g yellow fine corn meal
  • 2 eggs
  • 350ml buttermilk ( I used milk + 2 tsp of white wine vinegar as I didnt have this)


1- Brown the butter in a hot pan. Retire add the herbs.

Preheat the oven at 200C

2- Mix all dry ingredients.

3- Whisk the eggs, add the buttermilk, then add the butter.

4- Pour the wet mixture into the dry mixture. Combine until there are no lumps.

5- Pour the mix in a dish oven (add a bit of butter to the surface so it doesnt stick)

6- Put in the oven for 25 minutes, top a bit brown. Be sure if you use a knife, it comes out clean. Then it is read.

7- Let it cool down and ready to eat!


Continuation of the second part, this time we want to test VRF-lite.

Again, I am following the author post but adapting it to my environment using libvirt instead of VirtualBox and Debian10 as VM. All my data is here.

This is the diagram adapted to my lab:

After updating Vagrantfile and provisioning script, I “vagrant up”. The 6 VMs dont take long to boot up so it is a good thing.

The provisioning script is mainly for configuration of PE1 and PE2 . This is a bit more detail:

    # enabling ipv4 forwarding (routing)
    sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1

    # add loopback (not used in lab3)
    sudo ip addr add 172.20.5.$self/32 dev lo

    # removing ip in link between pe1-pe2 as we will setup a trunk with two vlans.
    sudo ip addr del$self/24 dev ens8

    # creating two vlans 10 (ce1,ce3) and 20 (ce2, ce4)
    sudo ip link add link ens8 name vlan10 type vlan id 10
    sudo ip link add link ens8 name vlan20 type vlan id 20

    # assign IP to each vlan
    sudo ip addr add$self/24 dev vlan10
    sudo ip addr add$self/24 dev vlan20

    # turn up each vlan as by default are down
    sudo ip link set vlan10 up
    sudo ip link set vlan20 up

    # create two routing tables with a null route
    sudo ip route add blackhole table 10
    sudo ip route add blackhole table 20

    # create two VRFs and assign one table (created above) to each one
    sudo ip link add name vrf_cust1 type vrf table 10
    sudo ip link add name vrf_cust2 type vrf table 20

    # assign interfaces to the VRFs            // ie. PE1:
    sudo ip link set ens6 master vrf_cust1     // interface to CE1
    sudo ip link set vlan10 master vrf_cust1   // interface to PE2-vlan10

    sudo ip link set ens7 master vrf_cust2     // interface to CE2
    sudo ip link set vlan20 master vrf_cust2   // interface to PE2-vlan20

    # turn up VRFs
    sudo ip link set vrf_cust1 up
    sudo ip link set vrf_cust2 up

    # add static route in each VRF routing table to reach the opposite CE
    sudo ip route add 192.168.$route1.0/24 via$neighbor table 10
    sudo ip route add 192.168.$route2.0/24 via$neighbor table 20

Check the status of the VRFs in PE1:

vagrant@PE1:/vagrant$ ip link show type vrf
 8: vrf_cust1:  mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
     link/ether c6:b8:f2:3b:53:ed brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
 9: vrf_cust2:  mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
     link/ether 62:1c:1d:0a:68:3d brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
 vagrant@PE1:/vagrant$ ip link show vrf vrf_cust1
 3: ens6:  mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast master vrf_cust1 state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
     link/ether 52:54:00:6f:16:1e brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
 6: vlan10@ens8:  mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue master vrf_cust1 state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
     link/ether 52:54:00:33:ab:0b brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

So let’s test if we can ping from CE1 to CE3:

Ok, if fails. I noticed that PE1 sees the packet from CE1… but the source IP is not the expected one (11.1 is the host/my laptop). And the packet reaches to PE2 with the same wrong source IP and then to CE3. In CE3 the ICMP reply is sent to 11.1, to it never reaches CE1.

The positive thing is that VRF lite seems to work.

I double checked all IPs, routing, etc. duplicated MAC in CE1 and my laptop maybe??? I installed “net-tools” to get “arp” command and check the arp table contents in CE1. Checking the ARP request in wireshark, all was good.

Somehow, the host was getting involved…. Keeping in mind that this is a simulated network, the host has access to all “links” in the lab. Libvirt creates a bridge (switch) for each link and it adds a vnet (port) for each VM that uses it:

# brctl show 
 bridge name    bridge id       STP enabled interfaces
 virbr10        8000.525400b747b0   yes     vnet27
 virbr11        8000.5254006e5a56   yes     vnet23
 virbr12        8000.525400dd521a   yes     vnet19
 virbr3        8000.525400a38db1   yes     vnet16
 virbr8        8000.525400de61f2   yes     vnet17
 virbr9        8000.525400e2cb54   yes     vnet25

“.1” is always the host but It was clear my routing was correct in all devices. I remembered that I had some issues during the summer when I was playing with containers/docker and doing some routing…. so I checked iptables….

I didnt have iptables in the VMs… but as stated earlier, the host is connected to all “links” used between the VMs. There is no real point-to-point link.

# iptables -t nat -vnL --line-numbers
Chain LIBVIRT_PRT (1 references)
num   pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination         
1       11   580 RETURN     all  --  *      *        
2        0     0 RETURN     all  --  *      *     
3        0     0 MASQUERADE  tcp  --  *      *     !      masq ports: 1024-65535
4       40  7876 MASQUERADE  udp  --  *      *     !      masq ports: 1024-65535
5       16  1344 MASQUERADE  all  --  *      *     !     
6       15   796 RETURN     all  --  *      *        
7        0     0 RETURN     all  --  *      *     
8        0     0 MASQUERADE  tcp  --  *      *     !      masq ports: 1024-65535
9       49  9552 MASQUERADE  udp  --  *      *     !      masq ports: 1024-65535
10       0     0 MASQUERADE  all  --  *      *     !     

# iptables-save -t nat
# Generated by iptables-save v1.8.7 on Sun Feb  7 12:06:09 2021
:INPUT ACCEPT [143:14556]
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [1617:160046]
:DOCKER - [0:0]
:LIBVIRT_PRT - [0:0]
-A PREROUTING -m addrtype --dst-type LOCAL -j DOCKER
-A OUTPUT ! -d -m addrtype --dst-type LOCAL -j DOCKER
-A POSTROUTING -s ! -o docker0 -j MASQUERADE
-A POSTROUTING -s ! -o br-4bd17cfa19a8 -j MASQUERADE
-A POSTROUTING -s ! -o br-43481af25965 -j MASQUERADE
-A POSTROUTING -s ! -d -p tcp -j MASQUERADE --to-ports 1024-65535
-A POSTROUTING -s ! -d -p udp -j MASQUERADE --to-ports 1024-65535
-A DOCKER -i docker0 -j RETURN
-A DOCKER -i br-4bd17cfa19a8 -j RETURN
-A DOCKER -i br-43481af25965 -j RETURN
-A LIBVIRT_PRT -s ! -d -p tcp -j MASQUERADE --to-ports 1024-65535
-A LIBVIRT_PRT -s ! -d -p udp -j MASQUERADE --to-ports 1024-65535
-A LIBVIRT_PRT -s ! -d -p tcp -j MASQUERADE --to-ports 1024-65535
-A LIBVIRT_PRT -s ! -d -p udp -j MASQUERADE --to-ports 1024-65535

Ok, it seems the traffic form to is NAT-ed (masquerade in iptables). So makes sense that I see the traffic as 11.1 in PE1. Let’s remove that:

# iptables -t nat -D LIBVIRT_PRT -s ! -d -j MASQUERADE

Test again pinging from CE1 to CE3:

So it works properly, we can see the the correct IPs in every hop: PE1, PE2 and CE3.

So it seems this is a built-in behaviour in libvirt. I need to find out how to “fix” this behaviour whenever I do “vagrant up”.

Canelones de espinacas

Pasta bolognesa was my favourite dish as a kid. We had it I think once every week. Canelones was another big one but my mum didnt cook it that often as it was more time consuming assembling the canelones and preparing the white sauce.

Anyway, I wanted to try the spinach version so I found this recipe that looked nice. I used lasagna sheets cut in two for the canelones and worked nicely.

Ingredients for filling

  • 12 lasagna sheets
  • 250g frozen spinach (put in boiling water to unfreeze)
  • 1 chopped onion
  • 1 piece of garlic
  • 1 boiled egg
  • 20g of pine nuts
  • a bit of grated parmesan cheese (or similar hard cheese)

Ingredients for bechamel sauce:

  • 2-3 big tsp of plain flour
  • 25g of butter
  • nutmeg
  • salt and pepper
  • 200ml milk
  • grated parmesan cheese


  • Boil 1l water in a pan, with salt and a bit of olive oil. Once boiling, put lasagna sheet in 2-3 at each time. They should be ready in a couple of minutes (they should float). Remove and leave it rest.
  • In a sauce pan, heat some oil, add the onion and garlic. Until soft
  • Add the unfrozen spinach, keep stirring.
  • Add the pine nuts and the boiled egg (cut in small pieces). Salt and pepper.
  • Add a bit of cheese.
  • Retire from the heat.
  • In a saucepan, melt the butter, add the flour little by little until forming a paste.
  • Start adding the milk, again little by little stirring without stopping. This is at low-medium heat. Add nutmet, salt and pepper. Taste from time to time. Add the cheese at the end.
  • Once you have a sauce that is not very liquid neither thick, we are ready to assemble everything.
  • Pre-heat oven at 200C
  • Put some of the bechamel in the spinach mix and stir.
  • Prepare an oven dish. Put some butter or bechamel sauce in the dish to avoid stickiness.
  • Take the cold lasagne sheets, cut in two squares. In each square put a spoon of the spinach mix and roll like a canelone. Put in the oven dish in lines.
  • Once you the oven dish covered with canelones, pour the bechamel soauce on top of them. Add some grated cheese. I had some tomato sauce left over and I add it too.
  • Put the oven dish in the oven. 30m or until the top is grilled.
  • Let it cool down a bit and ready to eat!


I read this book in 2019 about fermentation as I was already doing sourdough and wanted to learn more things. It is a great about anything related to fermentation. From there I started doing sauerkraut (still haven’t achieved the required results though). Another thing I wanted to try was kombucha, a fermented fizzy drink. I thought it was difficult to develop the scoby until I watched this video and learned that I can buy it! So I got my scobby and started the process:

1- Boil 900ml filtered water. Then add 50-60g sugar, stir well.

2- Add two bags of black tea for 10 minutes, then remove the bags.

3- Let it cool down to room temperature

4- Add the mixture to a 1 litre jar, add the scoby with its liquid.

5- Cover the jar with a cloth and leave it somewhere warm for 5 days without direct sunlight (I put it under the sink)

6- Remove the scoby and 100ml of the mix into a small jar, keep it in the fridge for the next batch.

7- Put the rest of the mix into a airtight glass 1l bottle at room temperature for 3-7 days until fizzy. I put it under the sink again. You may release a bit of gas after a couple of days if you dont want to see the bottle explode when opening…

8- Put the bottle in the fridge, and afterwards you can enjoy a refreshing fizzy homemade drink!!!

It is a slow process but it is easy. In my first bottle, I was surprised because it was actually quite fizzy!!! The taste was a kind of cider, redbull , etc without the after taste of dead by sugar.

I am doing my second bottle and at some point I would like to add flavours, like ginger… I need to check if this is consider ginger beer. Although no idea if it generates any alcohol… (there is a fermentation process involved and breakdown of sugars….)

Happy with it, and hopefully adding to my routine.

Catching Lights

I finished “Greenlights” and really enjoyed. I am not very keen of famous people as I think they are overrated but I had watched some motivational videos from Matthew McConaughey in youtube and decided to give it a go.

BTW, this is the best definition (minute 2) for trading you can find anywhere. After this you will not need to apply for a MBA.

It has been a very engaging read, the typical book that you wish it had more pages. It is about “livin” as they author writes. You see the experiences, problems, adventures of a human being. With all the lessons. It is like spending a whole night with a person you just met or a good friend, enjoying dinner, and a drink (or two) and a smoke (or two) and you open up totally, mutually: good, bad, worse, best things. Until sunrise. Intense but soothing .

When you dont have much social interactions, sometimes, you only source of “experience” apart from yours, it is a book. And I feel I learned from it.

So, I need to start catching my own lights.

The Art of Memory

I finished this book and to be honest it has been a bit of a “tostón”. I read it because was referenced from another book (I dont remember which right now) and I thought it should be interested.

The book starts in the Greece of Socrates/Plato times. Socrates didnt write anything and all his lessons/learning were oral. All we know come from Plato. So all teaching from Socrates was based on Memory. And obviously you had to memorize a lot and techniques to do that should exist (and of course were not written). The idea was to find a building and create a history from its features. Kind of mnemotechnics. As well, we have Aristotle.

I have been always more keen to understand things than memorize but there are cases where you have to memorize and the rules has been always repetition and brute force. But in some few cases, I have learned to use mnemotechnics and I dont know why this technique is not taught more often. I will always remember EIGRP parameters (bad dog loves red meat – b d l r m – bandwidth delay load reliability mtu) and BGP best path decision process (NWILLA OMNI – I have in my mind the spanish footballer David Villa playing in Africa)

So until that point the books was good as a history refresh.

Then we moved to the Middle Ages with St Thomas Aquinas, St Albert Magnus as next figures in the art of memory using the old Greek master. I always remember St Thomas Aquinas as the person who converted Aristotle writings to Catholic views. And St Augustine, who converted Socrates/Plato to Catholic. So the Church in those times could cope with the new threat of people using their brains. Here things get messy in the book and start losing track. Things looks a bit esoteric, magical, the ocult.

And when we reach Ramon Llull, I feel quite lost. The book start talking about Cabala and some other things. I had some reference from RL before (it is the main university in Majorca and wrote in catalan) but nor much more.

Moving forwards to the Renaissance, I hit two figures totally unknown to me: Giulio Camillo and Giordano Bruno. The first one, built a theater for the King of France as an example of memorizing the universe. And Giordano write several books about the art of memory that look quite complex due to esotericism, occultism, magic and references to Egyptian religions, etct.

In the last part we reach the Shakespeare times and the architecture of the Globe theatre as example of art of memory. Big debate if it is a circle or hexagon originally.

And finally, Leibniz, that refers to Ramon Llull as one of his references to create a common language that turned up to be Calculus.

It is like all this occultism, turned up as just Mathematics. In other references to Newton, he tried to convert lead into gold, and tried a lot of crazy stuff. So it looks like it makes sense that the begining of the science we know today was pretty much connected to esotericism, hermetic, occultism, etc.

I checked the author, Frances Yates and it seem she focused on esotericism.

Anyway, I tried to take positive things, mainly historic. And I learned from “new historical figures”.