Silva Method

Via a random youtube video I found something called the Silva Method and decided to read about it. I haven’t found any live solution. I dont want to go to the claims of the method, just wanted to focus in the meditation part and unlocking.

My goal is to improve. I want a clear, calm mind, and I want to learn more, faster and efficiently.

Shelljack, Europe RISC-V, Quantum China, 100G optics teardown, Curiosity (Going long!), SS7 hacking, Juniper Hacking

Shelljack: It is old but still interesting. At least it seems easy to implement

Europe RISC-V: Interesting report about what EU is doing about the CHIP wars and RISC-V. I guess as EU is not pouring billions like USA/China is not making to the news. It was interesting to read about the participation of Spain with UCM and the people behind openchip.

Quantum China: Another quantum chip in the mix. So far everything came from USA.

100G SR4 QSFP28: An optic teardown. There are links to other teardown like 100G QSFP28 DAC and this is more hardcore: 800G ZR+ optic.

Curiosity: This is the best definition of what curios means (and I light years from it…) Ben Jojo is a star: “Trust, but verify”

SS7 hacking: More real than I thought.

Juniper Hacking: Juniper answer. In one sense doesnt surprise me, Mikrotik is famous to feed several bootnets, so why not EOL devices from other vendors?

MCP, Manus, Brain Computer, Spectrum-X, Quantum, DC, Hung Task, Do The Work

MCP: It is “old” news news from Dec 2024 but looks like a big thing now.

Manus: new hype, but looks cool. Need to try.

Brain Computer: You have to replace the neurons….

Spectrum-X with Cisco Silicon: I dont understand this move much. You are selling your Ethernet solution is the best for AI and then you bring a different one?

Quantum Computing: Several news lately from MS Majorana (official)and AWS Ocelot. Still, is being used in real problems? Just PR?

Build your own DC: good intro, I dont think you can find many books about this in amazon?

Hung tasks in linux: nice articule for troubleshooting hung tasks in linux.

Do the work

Eggplant Parm

I watched this video and I had to try.


  • 2 eggplants sliced
  • flour for coating the eggplants
  • salt, honey (optional)
  • Sunflower oil for frying the eggplants
  • 700g good tomato passate
  • 3-4 garlic gloves chopped without core.
  • fresh basil or dried oregano if you dont have it
  • 2 balls of mozarrella (or smoked mozarrela if you find it)
  • Parmigiano


  • Spread salt generously over the eggplants. Let is rest for 30 minutes. This is very important step to remove the acidiness.
  • The eggplants should have sweat some water. Clean all the slices with water and dried them with a towel.
  • In a sauce plan at medium heat, pour a glop of olive oil, when hot, add the garlic. Dont burnt it !!! Then add the tomato passate and basil/oregano. Add salt/pepper. Add a bit of honey, optional. Simmer for 30 minutes or so. Leave aside.
  • Heat up a pan with some sunflower oil to deep fry the eggplants. The oil is ready with you put the tip of a wood spoon and fezzes.
  • Pre-heat oven at 200C
  • Coat slightly the eggplant slices with flour and deep fry until golden in both sides. 2-3 minutes each side. This is the most tedious part. But it is worth it. After removing form the pan, use kitchen paper to absorbe excess oil.
  • In an oven dish (metal/glass), pour a bit of the tomate sauce. Add a layer of eggplant, add slices of mozarella, add some basil/oregano, grated parmigiano . Repeat: tomate, eggplant, mozarella, basil/oregano, grated parmigiano.
  • Bake in the oven at 200C for around 30 minutes of golden on top.

Really tasty!!!

Eat and Run

I completed this book after reading about Scott Jurek. Ultramarathons are more famous nowadays thanks to the Internet so it is really interesting how he managed such a feats in that field, with no much money from sponsors and being vegan at that time!

There are many vegan recipes in the book. I want to try some of them: Minnesota Winter Chilli and others sweeter.

Regarding running, he mentions specific points: stretching, speed, stride, foot landing, core, progress, interval training, breathing (nose), shoes, posture.

Stotan = Stoicism + Spartan = I love it. (from Percy Cerutty)

I like how he talks about his upbringing in nature and then becoming a professional ultramarathon. The illness of his mother calls home…

And there is this quote from Kurt Cobain:

Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are

It is interesting that he mentions that ultra sports attracts a lot of ex-addicts (alcohol, drugs, etc). It is kind of a different type of addiction.

One thing I see repeated in many people/books that achieve something great. They have gone some shitty things in life one way or the other. If there is no pain in your life, you dont fight, you dont thrive.

Uzbekistan 2024

Last year I went to Uzbekistan. I wanted to visit places from the Silk Road. This is the main guide I used. And I checked a bit this one too.

Plov was best in Tashkent in the Plov center. And tried several types of local bread, I liked them. (Video about Samarkand bread)

I was surprised with the amount of pomegranates and cotton fields! There is a lot of irrigation. Mostly taxis run on propane or similar. It seems UZ is energy free. Boxing and UFC are the king sports. I was surprised to see so many tour groups and not many solo travellers. I travelled in a TALGO train too 🙂

In general, it was a nice trip.

Advance Junos Troubleshooting


- verify network settings for each user: ip, mac, gw
- verify gw reachability
- verify MAC table:
show ethernet-switching table (control plane)
show route forwarding-table family ethernet-switching (forwarding plane - PFE) both should be in sync
- verify STP: show spanning-tree interface
- verify vlan-interface association: show vlans X [detail]
- verify interface config: show configuration interface XXX
- where is gw: show route table inet.0
- fw session: show security flow session protocol icmp source-prefix IP

Route "rejected" for irb => check vlan config has l3-interface configured

LAG not coming up but config looks ok -> show configuration chassis aggregated-devices => device-count!



- verify network settings for each user: ip, mac, gw
- verify gw reachability

- evpn-vxlan:
-- underlay: IGP (ospf-isis) or eBGP (loopbacks exchanged, peers up, etc)
---show bgp summary / show route receive/advertised-protocol bgp IP table inet.0
---show evpn databases

-- overlay: iBGP up, EVPN peers up
--- show evpn instance extensive
--- show evpn database
--- show route table inet.0 protocol evpn

-- VXLAN: VTEPs established, up, EVPN routes (typ2/5 exchanged?
--- show interfaces vtep
type source: for the locally attached networks
type Remote: for remote networks
--- show vlan (mapping vlan-vni)
--- show vlan X details -> l3-irbs, mapped interfaces, etc

-- communication between same vlan/vni? vlan-vni mapping identical in all devices?, IRB using commong VGA, IRB bound to VLANs
--- show ethernet-switching vxlan-tunnel-end-point source
--- show ethernet-switching vxlan-tunnel-end-point remote
--- show interfaces terse irb
--- show configuration interfaces irb
--- show configuration vlans
--- show ethernet-switching table

show bgp summary
- bgp.evpn.0 receives all EVPN routes (LE and SP)
- default-switch.evpn.0 - typ1,2,3 copied here (only LE, no in SP)
- default_evpn.evpn.0 - typ4 copied here (only LE, no in SP)

show route summary
:vxlan.inet.0 - holds the routes to remote VTEPs and uses inet.0 for route selection (because it has : in the name)


ospf operational
show ospf neighbor
show ospf interface (loopbacks are in??)
show interfaces x | match mtu
show ospf overview
show ospf statistics
set protocols ospf traceoptions file X size 5m files 3 flag all
show log X
show configuration interface Y
monitor traffic interface Y detail matching "proto ospf"
request system decrypt password "xxxx" (onlu for $8$ or $9$ hashes)

adj state full
show ospf database (* = entries generated by the local router)
show route protocol ospf table inet.0

spf stable: duplicate RID?, flapping links?

routes in RIB: lsdb, asbr over non-bb area, 0/0 in nssa and stubs, prefix export limit, import/export policies
- show route table inet.0
- abr: nssa no-summaries -> routes in that area dont see any summary LSA for other areas => you may need to advertise a default (set protocols ospf area X nssa default-lsa default-metric 1)
- show configuration protocols ospf


(initializing -> mtu issue (at least 1492)

isis operational
show isis adjacency
show isis interface (loopbacks are in??)
show interfaces x | match mtu
show isis overview (if attached bit evaluation disabled -> default route (sent by L1L2) is not installed
show isis statistics
set protocols isis traceoptions file X size 5m files 3 flag error detail flag hello detail
show log X
show configuration interface Y
monitor traffic interface Y detail matching "proto isis"
request system decrypt password "xxxx" (onlu for $8$ or $9$ hashes)

adj state full
show isis database (* = entries generated by the local router)
show isis route
show route protocol isis table inet.0

spf stable: duplicate NET?, flapping links?

routes in RIB: lsdb, levels?, 0/0 in l1, prefix export limit, import/export policies
show route table inet.0
abr: nssa no-summaries -> routes in that area dont see any summary LSA for other areas => you may need to advertise a default (set protocols ospf area X nssa default-lsa default-metric 1)
show configuration protocols ospf
show isis hostname
show route table iso.0 <-- NET addresses!


-ibgp established: security policies, fw rules, IGP routing, local address, auth, logs
set protocols bgp group int-group traceoptions file X size 5m files 3 flap open detail
show system connections

-ibgp stable: IGP stable? MTU, TCP MSS

-ibgp adverts: export policy, inactive routes, no-advertise community, bgp family

-ibgp receives: BGP next-hop, recursive routing

-routes in RIB: import policy


take several traceroute
check where route redistribution takes place
set cli timestamp
show bgp summary (several times to see flapping)
show route received-protocol bgp PEER_IP table x.0 (several times to see flapping)
show route NET/MASK (several times)
show route hidden detail table x.0


control plane:
- pe-ce routing protocols
-- show route table inet.0 (for P and PE Lo)
-- show isis database detail

- ldp/rsvp
-- show route table inet.3 (table with ingress LSPs from this router
-- show route table mpls.0 (next LSR in each LSP). Loop-up LSPs and VPN labels
-- show ldp session/neighbor
-- show ldp database
*RT mismatch -> drop (no stored neither hiddne => go to the other peer and show route advertisedd-protocol bgp PE-IP)

- bgp
-- show bgp summary
-- show route table X.inet.0 (l3vpn table)
-- show route advertising-protocol bgp PE-IP
-- show route receive-protocol bgp PE-IP (is bgp.l3vpn.0 table???)
-- show route receive-protocol bgp PE-IP detail table bgp.l3vpn.0
-- *vrf-table-lable -> a LSI logical interface label is created and mapped to the VRF routing table.

data plane:
-- ping mpls
-- traceroute mpls ldp PE-Lo

Stateful FW

srx -> session-based
- show security flow status -> flow/packet-based
- show security flow session
- set security flow traceoptions file X size 2m files 3 flag basic-datapath packet-filter f1 protocol icmp destination-prefix FW-IP/32
- show interface X -> check security zone (Null drops all packets)
- show interface x detail | find Flow
- show security zones NAME
- show security screen statistics zone untrust | except 0
- show log messages | match RT_SCREEN or RT_IDS
- show security screen ids-option untrust-screen
- show configuration security screen
- set security zones security-zone X host-inbound-traffic system-override traceroute ping …



fxp0: oob mgmt interface
fxp1/em0 - cp interface
fab - dp interace
swfab - switching dp interface
reth - redundant interface

show chassis cluster status
show chassis cluster interfaces
show interfaces terse | grep fxp
show configuration | display set | match apply-groups
set apply-groups ${node}
show system users

fabric link

show chassis cluster interfaces
show chassis cluster status
show chassis cluster statistics (sent/received??)
show interfaces terse | grep fab


show chassis cluster status
show chassis cluster interfaces
show interfaces terse | grep reth
show configuration chassis cluster

*routing table is not running in secondary node


CoS-Based IPSec VPN

show security ike security-associations
show security ipsec security-associations
show security ipsec inactive-tunnels
show configuration security ipsec vpn X
show class-of-service forwarding-class

CoS implementation

show interfaces X detail | find Egress -> check counters in queues

show configuration firewall family inet -> check filtes
show interfaces filters | match X
show class-of-service interface Y
show class-of-service rewrite-rule type dscp
scheduler-map X | match "Scheduler|Transmit"
classifier type dscp name X

The Lessons of History

I read this book based on this recommendation video. It’s tiny but got to the point.

  • History can’t be a science, it can be only an art by establishing a meaningful order in the chaos of materials, a philosophy by seeking perspective and enlightenment.

History is affected by many elements:

  • Geology /Geography: This was initially critical for creating civilization ( Egypt-Nile, Tigris/Euphrates-Mesopotamia, etc) But its influence diminishes as technology grows (Singapore, Israel, etc)
  • Biology: We are subject to the processes and trials of evolution. Life is competition. Life is selection.We are all born unfree and unequal. We are subjects to our DNA, psychology and tribe. Nature loves differences as the necessary ingredient for selection and evolution. Inequality grows with the complexity of civilization, and to keep that under control, liberty must be sacrificed (Russia 1917). Life must breed, shrinking population are conquered by the growing ones (Religion pushed for having families…) But if we grow too much, nature will give us pestilence, famine and war.
  • Race: Civilization is a co-operative product that nearly all people have contributed, it is our common heritage and debt.
  • Character: Evolution during recorded time has been more social than biological. The imitative majority follows the innovating minority. History in the large is the conflict of minorities. New ideas should be heard, but need proper scrutiny to flourish, as the “roots” will always feed a try.
  • Morals: Moral codes differ because they adjust themselves to historical and environmental conditions: hunting, agriculture and industry. The written history is usually quite different from the history usually lived. Perhaps discipline will be restored in our civilization through the military training required by the challenges of war. The freedom of the part varies with the security of the whole.
  • Religion: It was fear that first made the Gods. Catholicism survives because consoles and brightens the lives of the poor. Religion has many lives (types) and a habit of resurrection (remove one, another will take its place). Moral disorder may generate a religious revival. Religion has helped the states to keep the social order. And, as long as there is poverty, there will be gods.
  • Economics: For Karl Marx, History is economics in action. One of the secrets of bankers is to figure out the fluctuations of prices, they know history is inflationary, and that money is the last thing a wise man will hoard. The concentration of wealth is a natural result of the concentration of ability and regularly recurs in history. And is periodically alleviated by violent or peaceable redistribution (systole/diastole)
  • Socialism: This is part of the last point about the rhythm of concentration/dispersion of wealth. The fear of capitalism has compelled socialism to widen freedom, and the fear of socialism has compelled capitalism to increase equality.
  • Government: The first condition of freedom is its limitation. Plato’s political evolution: monarchy, aristocracy, democracy and dictatorship. Democracy is the most difficult of all forms of government, but has produced the best results. If our economy of freedom fails to distribute wealth as ably as it has created, the road to dictatorship is up to grabs.
  • War: It is one of the constants of history. Peace is an unstable equilibrium, which can be preserved only by acknowledged supremacy or equal power. A world order will not come by a gentlemen’s agreement. States will unity in basic co-operation only when they are in common attacked by outsiders.
  • Growth and Decay: History is a cycle of civilizations. They decline due to the failure of its political and intellectual leaders to meet the challenges of change. Most civilizations pass on part of their culture to the next ones (Greece->Rome->Western World)
  • Progress in science and technology has brought some evil (nuclear energy, ultracommunication, processed food,etc) With great power comes great responsibility.

History is above all the creation and recording of heritage (passing culture)

DeepSeek, AWS HPC SDR vs Multipath-TCP, OCSP death, AlphaChip, Visual AI agents, Ollama, Local AI, Bob Bowman

Nice analysis about DeepSeek without hype.

AWS HPC: Didn’t know AWS offered HPC services (articule from 2021). I liked to find more details about SDR: Multipath LB, Out of Order delivery, congestion control similar to BBR. I wonder, this is not the same as UltraEthernet consortium is trying to achieve?

Multipath-tcp: The above probably works in “close” networks (managed by one entity) but maybe it is not going to work in the Wild internet. Still this looks still quite far from production. I believe this like QUID. Somebody like google deploys it and the rest jump in the wagon (more or less)

OCSP death: “OCSP is not making anyone more secure. Browsers are either not checking it or are implementing it in a way that provides no security benefits. “

AlphaChip: As far as I have read, designing chip is one of the most complex things and getting help from AI can even increase the advances in chip design. I read that NVIDIA had something similar. And this should be applied to ASICs too so networking is benefited

Vision Agent AskUI: need to try

ByteDance UI Agent – UI-TARS: as above

Crawl4AI: Interesting for digestion your local knowledge base sites and using with your local LLM….

Run your locally AI: I tried this in my work MacBook and it worked! I want to create an AI agent for a work project (actually i am dreaming to be able to achieve it….)

Open Web UI + Ollama: I tested this too in my MacBook and works like magic! You can even use DeepSeek 🙂 + DeepSeek: I didnt manage to install ….

Training your AI: My idea is to get an open-source LLM trained with my data so I can use it to do my “job” But in the video there was too much publicity and I dont have access to a GPU… but I dont much data neither (or that’s what I think)

Bob Bowman (Michael Phelps coach): Show up, do the job.


Finished this book, and it is a gem! It is better than expected and very funny. The author is an advertising executive and the book goal is to teach you to think in a non-logical way. As an engineer, I feel that everything has to be logical and reasoned but Rory gives plenty of examples all over the book about logic not being always the only answer. I have highlighted so many lines that I think I can copy the book. It refers to behavioural economics (state agent showing 3 places, so you pick the ones they want you to pick, how to make a train join faster without faster trains (sol: make it more enjoyable)) and politics (Trump 1.0 victory, Brexit victory, etc)

So the two lessons from the book is to understand how the marketing works (as a consumer so you can understand it and it doesnt have to be logical…) and how you should be less logical so you can find different and still valid solutions.

Even this is mentioned to relationships, something that actually hit me…

Some videos from Rory (that I would like to watch)

The lost genius of irrationality

Behavioural Economics, Humas and Advertising.