Prisioners of Geography

I finished this ebook a couple of days ago. It was really interesting and easy to digest. It gives you a different point of the current world based on geography and how a game of chess are the international relationships…

Russia: It is the biggest country. Its main weakness is Ukraine as it is plain and the only entry to the Mediterranean. Keep in mind that this book was written on 2016 so it doesnt surprise that Rusia has invaded Ukraine. As well, most of neighbors in the west are in NATO and Rusia/Putin doesnt want missile in his border. But playing with nukes is a zero-sum game? Russians are not europeans neither asians, they are Russians. So interesting that view from a country of that size.

China: I like the intro that China is not a country but a civilization. Its main goal is to build a fleet to match the USA navy. Not much issues inside the continent due to its massive population and borders with other countries. Himalayas with India is the most important. As well, for that reason invaded Tibet to remove the only option from India to attack and take the high grown. China plays India dealing with Pakistan to get access to the Indico. Taiwan is a horn as it is supported by USA. And I wonder, you invade Taiwan and chips production worldwide goes to shit.

USA: Luckiest guy. It has no really enemies in the borders. They bought Louisiana from France with Napoleon was in its worse as it was critical to maintain the Missisipi as it was key for commerce . Texas, New Mexico, California annexed from Mexico. And Alaska bought from Russia. So from east to west is free. North has Canada, an alley and not a threat. And Mexico has a desert between then and it is not match in any sense.

Western Europe: France is the one in best position. Access to North Atlantic and Mediterranean. Good internal routes. Germany main weakness is the east. It has only Poland between Russian and them. As well, the Danube is great as it connect many cities and is suitable for commerce. So Poland gets crashed very often. Spain is not very lucky, it has the Piryness in the north and then the internal communication as not great.

Africa: A mess created by Europe with the artificial borders that means nothing to the people.

Middle East: Another mess created by Europe with artificial borders and the conflicts of different views of Islam: Iran vs Irak/Arabia, etc. Israel in the middle of everything.

India and Pakistan: Mess from England, again due to artificial borders. India is superior in everything. The only issue is Pakistan has nukes too. It is interesting the game between Pakistan-Afghanistan-USA.

Korea and Japan: Neighbors that dont have a good past due to the invasion from Japan (and brutality) but China is a bigger problem. And North Korea.

Latin America: USA playground. Very unlucky region due to geography. Amazon is not good for commerce. Most population is in the coast. Communications with the interior as really bad so moving goods is expensive.

The Arctic: The new eldorado. USA, Russia, China, Denmark, etc claiming things. A lot of resources there but it is a dangerous area (climate) so expensive.

The Space: The new frontier and a lot of politics to agree how to “manage” it that obviously not all agree. I didnt know about Wernher von Braun (from the Nazi Germany to the Apollo XI in the moon). Russia had the lead with Yuri Gagarin, Sputnik, etc. Most space theory came from Konstantin Tsiolkovsky. He calculated the needed space to be able before the technology was available. I didnt know that Laika (Barking) died in her trip to space. Thanks to her, it was proved that humans could travel to space. At the end, USA landed Armstrong in the moon and the game is over. The very expensive business in space was over. Until now with SpaceX and similar wanting to go to Space/Moon/Mars, etc. The book suggest that cooperation is the only way for getting anywhere.

I didnt take notes but there is a lot of info in the book that you wouldnt think of so it gives you a new/different point of view of the current world.

Bluetooth on Linux

I have never used bluetooth in Linux before. I have a bluetooth headphone from work that works fine with my phone and macos but I wanted to try it in Linux.

So I give it a quick go last night. This was my initial link. I had already installed the driver:

# dpkg -l | grep bluez
ii bluez 5.70-1.1 amd64 Bluetooth tools and daemons
ii bluez-obexd 5.70-1.1 amd64 bluez obex daemon

I had to install “blueman” that is the frontend to manage your bluetooth devices later:

# dpkg -l | grep blueman
ii blueman 2.3.5-3 amd64 Graphical bluetooth manager

The service was already enabled:

root@athens:/boot# systemctl status bluetooth.service
● bluetooth.service - Bluetooth service
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/bluetooth.service; enabled; preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Sat 2024-01-06 11:58:33 GMT; 54min ago
       Docs: man:bluetoothd(8)
   Main PID: 1137 (bluetoothd)
     Status: "Running"
      Tasks: 1 (limit: 9334)
     Memory: 3.1M ()
     CGroup: /system.slice/bluetooth.service
             └─1137 /usr/libexec/bluetooth/bluetoothd

Jan 06 11:58:42 athens bluetoothd[1137]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.43 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSource/opus_05_duplex
Jan 06 11:58:42 athens bluetoothd[1137]: Failed to add UUID: Failed (0x03)
Jan 06 11:58:42 athens bluetoothd[1137]: Failed to add UUID: Failed (0x03)
Jan 06 11:58:44 athens bluetoothd[1137]: Failed to add UUID: Failed (0x03)
Jan 06 11:58:44 athens bluetoothd[1137]: Failed to add UUID: Failed (0x03)
Jan 06 11:58:44 athens bluetoothd[1137]: Failed to add UUID: Failed (0x03)
Jan 06 11:58:44 athens bluetoothd[1137]: Failed to add UUID: Failed (0x03)
Jan 06 11:58:44 athens bluetoothd[1137]: Failed to add UUID: Failed (0x03)
Jan 06 11:58:44 athens bluetoothd[1137]: Failed to add UUID: Failed (0x03)
Jan 06 11:58:44 athens bluetoothd[1137]: Failed to add UUID: Failed (0x03)

Then I had to enable bluetooth:

# rfkill list
0: hci0: Bluetooth
Soft blocked: yes
Hard blocked: no
1: phy0: Wireless LAN
Soft blocked: no
Hard blocked: no
# rfkill unblock bluetooth
# rfkill list
0: hci0: Bluetooth
Soft blocked: no
Hard blocked: no
1: phy0: Wireless LAN
Soft blocked: no
Hard blocked: no

Then I can test it:

$ blueman-manager &

But once I paired the device…. I had an error:


I found several links and this is the only things that worked for me: link1 and link2. So I had to install “libspa-0.2-bluetooth” and reboot:

# dpkg -l | grep libspa-0.2-bluetooth
ii libspa-0.2-bluetooth:amd64 1.0.0-1 amd64 libraries for the PipeWire multimedia server - bluetooth plugins

So I managed to paired the headseats without error but then a new issue… I lost internet connection…. And after checking several things, it was just enabling bluetooth that caused the lost of internet access. There was nothing in the logs saying anything about my wifi disconnecting or anything similar….

If I disabled bluetooth, my connection was back…. so more work to do. So it seems there is some interference between the modules or the drivers? Searched things about it. I checked this. But no luck yet.

To be continued.