Be Useful

Completed this work today. Quick summary from the author himself: “Work works”. “Pain means growth”

I am not a fan of famous people as I think most of them are overrated. Although I will always say his movies were very important as a child/teenager: Terminator 2, Conan, Predator, Commando. They are my favourites. But it seems to me this book was about the person so gave it a go.

He starts the book with the end of his political career due to cheating to his wife and the 2008 crisis. That made him to start again…

He shows the seven rules he is using in his life and I think the order is important because they start with yourself and at the end is more about others. It builds so you can “Be useful”.

1) Have a clear vision : You dont have to have everything worked out but have a overall goal. It’s like, why are you going to the gym? What’s your mission? He had his vision very early in life, but still it works at any stage. Make the space to get that vision: just walking can be very good. And to be honest, I have found going for a walk quite revealing lately, although I just talk to myself, it feels good to think aloud. And when you look at the mirror, is what you see what you want to be?

    2) Never thing small: If you have an idea, go all in (no plan-b): “Wenn schon, denn schon” Ignore the naysayers, it is your dream, your life, your growth (whatever is the outcome). Seneca quote: “If you dont go through struggle, you don’t have a life”. There are several Stoics quote a long the book and that surprised me.

    3) Work your ass off: That works 100% of the time. He says one the bases of success is repetition, repetition, repetition so it makes perfect. Embrace the boring stuff (fundamentals) and do often. Pain is temporary, the outcome is permanent. And you need to follow up (something the reminds me of a Russian saying: Trust but check). And you have time for it, make the numbers!

    4) Sell, sell, sell: This makes sense obviously for business but personally, I need to do it in dating too. You can be a great catch, but if nobody knows about it, then…. So people need to know you and you need to know “who” is really the customer. And be yourself, own your (hi)story, for good and for bad. And in business , let them underestimate you, use it in your favor.

    5) Shift gears: This is about to learn to adapt to changing situations. From learning from mistakes to change your mind when required. And learn to find the positive in shit moments. This is “amor fati” as defined by Stoics. Complaining is too easy and doesn’t get you anywhere. You learn from hardship. If you win the lottery, you will not look at the money as if you had build a successful business. Reframe failure, it is part of the learning process (ie: WD40 – there were 39 failures before…) Break the rules, make things better and not because they are that way. Risk is relative, really, what do you have to lose?

    6) Shut your mouth and open your mind. This is about learning, always be open to learn (from anybody, any moment) So learn by listening. Be curious, as the “how” and “why”. Be that sponge. And with all that, put it in a good cause. It is interesting he criticises the current education systems as it seems you must have a degree to be successful and be rich. Firstly, you could have a good life being a baker that is fulfilling and do something good for the community.

    7) Break the mirrors: And this is where you destroy the ego (you are not self-made) because from most of the other rules, they look very individual but then, you get here and you realize is not about you. It is about giving back so everybody wins. Can be small or big, depends on your circumstances. So be useful.

    Screencasts and videoplayer

    For some time I wanted to record a video in my laptopp so I could watch it offline. I found OBS but looks too much for what I want and then vokoscreen came along. I used it, it is easy and does the job.

    Then I realized that VLC stopped working (need to investigate why and try to fix)… so I need another videoplayer. Again, I want something simple, and tried Kodi, I thought I was a bit too much, but I didnt have to install too many packages and it worked. So for for now, I have a videoplayer, although I miss vlc.

    Leaders Eat Last

    I bought this ebook some months ago as a recommendation and then after watching a video (need to finish it) of the author, I went to the book.

    The main source of examples in the book are the military where he shows the success is based on people believing and action in a bigger goal than themselve: the mission and your team mates.

    As well, he put example of a few companies that have built a personality/culture where people feel identified and they survive the worst moments. And there are examples of the opposite, where companies like Goldman Sachs, GE, etc have a culture of immediate profit, individual success at any cost, that are negative in the long run.

    He mentions dopamine and oxytocin as hormones impacting our behaviour. Dopamine is the quick/easy hit satisfaction (watching youtuvideos….) and oxytocin is the making you happy with social interactions. In our modern world, dopamine is not the choice and oxytocin should be the long term aim.

    As well, he takes the AA as an example where people success if follow the rules, and the most important one is the last rule, to be a leader/mentor of another person.

    One of the disconnections we have at work is the abstract challenge (we want to be number 1, we want to be the best, etc) that doesnt really resonate with most people and doesnt create any connection. Without that connection, that meaning, you dont fight. So that put in context in another part of the book, that most of the times, our best memories at work are moments of straggle (that tough project, that bug at 2am, etc). So you go through that if you have a connection with the company, culture and people (that releases oxytocin). If not, you will not last long there.

    Another part talks about the destructive abundance. We live in a world where we have everything…. so we want it all. This part gives away some leadership leason:

    1- So goes the culture, so goes the company

    2- So goes the leader, so goes the culture

    3- Integrity matters

    4- Friends matters

    5- lead the people, not the numbers.

    In my personal view, at the end all looks very nice, but most of cases, it seems the solution or change needs to come from the top and can be overwhelming. But still we can “lead by example” in our small part. You can lose your job but you can’t lose your integrity.

    Good book. Again, I should read it again and take notes.

    Bakeries -p3

    Second visit to KEIT: This time I tried “Weizenbrot” . Ingredients: Natural sourdough, red wheat, whole grain rye, wheat 550, water, thermal salt. Again, amazing bread!

    Bäckerei Siebert: This is a very German bakery. There was a queue when I got there and it was going to close soon I think. I bought some pieces of cake and a small black brot. Maybe arriving earlier I could have seen a better selection of bread. My german is still pretty bad so I kind off pointed to the things I wanted to try without being too sure. One was carrot cake, other cherry cake, and the other not sure. They were tasty anyway.

    Bäckerei Kädtler: via link. This is a kosher bakery. I got a bit late as is far from home, and it was nearly empty! So I only tried three biscuits. They were nice (nothing crazy) and not very sweet so I liked that. So need to get there first thing in the morning to really taste the good stuff.

    Hacker Bäckerei: This was a visit just by chance after trying Kadtler (above). I was in the area, checked google maps, the pictures looked nice, went for it. It was a blast! I didn’t try any bread, nothing caught my eye but I tried two “cakes”: Splitterbrötchen (slivered rolls ) and Apfelsandkuchen (sand apple cake). The first one is like a slightly sweet/soft bread. And the second was a big piece of cake! and tasty! Really happy with the discovery. Later I checked in the internet about the place and has interesting reviews. link1 and link2. This a proper East Berlin bakery. I need to come back earlier and try other cakes and bread (sourdough). As I got pretty late the backerei was pretty low in product. It closes at 12:30 I think so that is a signal that is a very local shop 🙂 So next time I need to get there first thing in the morning. (I found this video by chance!!!)

    Four Thousand Weeks

    That’s the amount of weeks you have if you live approximately 77-78 years. And this book is about time management those weeks. It is not the typical book about techniques to make more in the same amount of time but the psychological and philosophical reasons why we want to make more and how to live with that.

    We live in a world where everything, even time is a commodity and you want to squeeze the last drop of it. That goes deep into our society. The author has tried all possible techniques to be super productive but at the end, he is always defeated at some point.

    So you have a limited time, you have to choose, and not choosing is what makes us to try to cramp more and more things. So it is a lost battle. This reminds me the concept of how many f* you have.

    As well, we are always thinking in the future. Being more present helps you to get things in better perspective. The time we have in Earth is ridiculous compared with a stone or the universe so that should give you the freedom (instead of the fear of not having enough) of focusing in your correct things. We need meaningfulness and connection. And something I am reading/listening quite often, we need action (and not hopping).

    Questions offered in the book:

    1- Where in your life or your work are you currently pursuing comfort, when what’s called for is a little discomfort?

    — That hit me. Since my last move, I feel more comfortable because I have some discomfort/challenges. Before I felt uncomfortable and in theory “I have (nearly) all”

    2- Are you holding yourself to , and judging yourself by, standards of productivity or performance that are impossible to meet?

    — Somehow yes, I have so many books to read and so many things I would like to learn, so many certifications to get. Still I am pretty sure I would never be happy if achieved all that.

    3- In what ways have you yet to accept the fact that you are who you are, not the person you think you ought to be?

    — That helped, since I started to accept me and loving me as I am, I drop a lot of emotional weight. And to be honest, just telling me that I can do a hard route when climbing, pushes me to send it and improve. But this is not done, still lot to do, you know, dating….

    4- In which areas of life are you still holding back until you feel like you know what your are doing?

    — The winner is dating/relationships.

    5- How would you spend your days differently if you didnt care so much about seeing your actions reaching fruition?

    — I would like to live in the country side. Like this. Work in the fields and technology, and having a partner to share that life.

    It is not hopping, it is doing.

    I leave a lot of things away, I need to read it again.

    LLM n C, 1.6nm, xz vul, turing 2024, let’s encrypt, chatdev, Ethernet vs IB, Slingshot, Tailscale ssh, videos, 42 rules, CNI, Cilium

    Origins of deep learning: interesting post. At the beginning all was Matlab and CPU bounded. repo

    LLM in C: post and repo.

    A16: 1.6nm process for 2026. More frequency, less power.

    xz vulnerability repo: Something I need to check in the VP

    Turing Award 2024: zero-knowledge-proof.

    Cloudflare and Let’s Encrypt’s certificate change: I haven’t heard of this until recently. I use Let’s Encrypt so as far as I can read, makes sense what they are doing. But didnt know 2% Cloudflare customer were using the “cert”

    ChatDev: Communicate agents for software development. I am a not a developer but I would use this just as a starting point If I have any idea for a project. I would remove the C-suite agents, at least for low level projects.

    IB vs Ethernet: A bit of bias here (the author is from Broadcom -> Ethernet). I have no hands-on experience with IB, but I have read the cables are not cheap… Let’s see when UltraEthernet gets into the market. Another view.

    Slingshot and Juniper: A bit of bias again as HP bought Juniper. So how will these interconnects fade inside the company? As far as I know, most supercomputers use some “special” interconnect so not much ethernet there. But the money nowadays is in AI infra… Paper for slingshot (haven’t read it)

    Tailscale SSH, wireguard throughput: These are things I should a spend a bit of time one day and consider if I should use them (I dont like it is not opensource though). This netmaker?


    Jocko Willink: Discipline = Freedom. Remember but not dwell. Good leader, delegate. Be a man -> take action, bonding (pick your activity)

    Jimmy Carr: Imposter syndrome each 18 months, so you have to stand-up. People crave the success not the journey. Teaching comedy good for communicating.

    Sam Altman – Stanford 2024: First time I see him talking. It has some funny moments. More powerful computers. I missed a question about opensource LLM and closed ones.

    Find a girlfriend: I know just a little bit about the person (I want to read one of his books) from other books and videos. I would think he would have already a girlfriend or family. From the three methods, definitely, the face to face approach in the street looks so much better (and that’s what I would like to do)

    Jordan Peterson original 42 rules

    CNI performance: I have used kubernetes since I studied for CKAD but still I am interested in the networks side. I didn’t know about Kube-router and it did great! I am bit surprised with Calico as I have read more and more about Cilium.

    Cilium for network engineers. I have to read this fully (worried that Cisco bought it…)

    Blueprint: Build a bulletproof body

    I want to get fitter so I try to learn from experts who have proved themselves. And this is a good example. The author has done some amazing things. Quite jealous to be honest.

    For me, I just want to get stronger at climbing and get back to (proper) running, all without (more) injuries. I have read before about the different cycles that top athletes so it was interesting to read about it directly and all the science behind that. I know I need to add (more) strength training and endurance. I should create a proper work plan for each week, a bit of less climbing but better prepared? But I am not clear how to use the knowledge from the book to climbing, when, at the end of day, you want to climb hard every week, as I am not going to compete or anything like that. Or saying in a different, how to handle your ego and jealousy.


    • Recover Mesocycle: low volume, low intensity. This is the chapter I liked the most from the book.

    — 2 strength-based rehab routines per week

    — 2 endurance-based rehab routines per week at low intensity and no more than 45 minutes.

    — 2 days rest

    • Base Mesocycle: increase volume, low intensity

    — 3 strength-based rehab routines per week

    — 4 low-intensity endurance-based rehab routines per week in zone 2 (aerobic).

    — 1 strongman strength session

    — 1 day rest

    • Build Mesocycle: reduce a bit volume, increase intensity

    — 3 strength and speed sessions per week (force-velocity curve)

    — 3 low and long (10km) open water swims operating in zone 2 (aerobic).

    — 3 high-intensity interval sessions in zone 4-5 (anaerobic) (separated by 48h)

    — 1 day rest

    • Peak Mesocycle: reduce volume, increase intensity:

    — 2 strength and speed sessions per week for maintenance of fitness

    — 2 low and long (5km) open water swims operating in zone 2 (aerobic). Focus in tecnique.

    — 3 high-intensity interval sessions in zone 4-5 (anaerobic)

    — 2 day rest

    Shoulder pain: Practice hangs from a bar. That’s what our “ancestors” did… Simple

    Eudaimonia: fulfilment. It’s different from happiness since it openly accepts that pain and struggling should form part of the process. Happiness without fulfilment is a failure.

    The greater the difficulty, the more glory in surmouting it. Skilful pilots gain their reputation from storms and tempests


    Askesis: healthy hardship. “The comfort zone is the great enemy to creativity, moving beyond it necessitates intuition, which in turn configures new perspectives and conquers fears” Dan Stevens.

    Why we adventure to combat spiritual decay:

    A man has achieved his present position by being the most aggressive and enterprising creature on earth….. The comfortable life lowers a man’s resistance… the comfortable life causes spiritual decay

    From 1956 book “The Outsider” by Colin Wilson:

    Broccoli with Garlic Sauce

    I want to eat more broccoli. And this is a new recipe:

    1 head of broccoli
    2-3 pieces garlic
    small piece ginger
    1 tbsp soy sauce
    1 tsp sugar (brown if possible)
    olive oil
    1 tsp corn starch
    2 tbsp water
    1 tsp sunflower oil
    2 tsp paprika
    1 tsp sesame seeds


    1. Boil 1.5 litres of water in a saucepan
    2. Remove the florets from the broccoli head. Be sure the head is cleaned.
    3. Blench the broccoli in the boiling water for 30-45 sec. Just to see how it gets a bright green color! Remove from water and pass it via cold water. Set aside.
    4. Grate the garlic and ginger.
    5. Prepare the sauce by combining together soy sauce, sugar, oil, corn starch and water. Set the sauce.
    6. Heat up a nonstick pan to medium heat. Add a bit of olive oil.
    7. Cook the broccoli for 2-3min each side. Until you see a bit of char. Put aside
    8. Clean the pan, and put at medium-low heat, add olive oil and paprika (replacement of chili oil). Mix clean so it doesnt burn.
    9. Add the garlic and ginger. Gently cook for 2-3min
    10. Add the broccoli and turn the heat to medium. Sauté for about 1min
    11. Add in the stir fry sauce and if you have a lid, place it immediately so you can steam the broccoli steam for about 30-45 seconds. If not, just toss the broccoli so it gets the sauce spread in all bits.
    12. Plate the broccoli and garnish with white sesame seeds

    rsync go, NASA SP287, git options, Undersea cable failures in Africa, Quotes, Log4j, done list, Dan Lynch, Systems-based Productivity, Run Africa

    rsync go: Interesting talk about rsync, as it explains how it works and it is something I didnt know. But then, all other things/projects mentioned are cool and related. I need to try to install rsync go in my vm. ccc slides and repo

    NASA to the moon: This is an engaging and provocative video regarding the Artemis III (project back to the moon II). He makes some hard questions to the people in charge (I have no clue about physics) and it seems he has a point. Not sure it this will get any effect but again, looks “smart”. When he mention the NASA SP287 (What made Apollo a success) document as the grial for going back to the moon, I wanted to get a copy (here) so I could read it one day.

    Git options: Nice post about popular git config options. I am a very basic git user (and still sometimes I screw up) but the options to improve diff looks interesting so I will give it a go at work.

    Undersea cable failures in Africa: It is clear that Africa relays heavily in submarine cables (it doesnt look like there are many cable systems intra continent). And the Red Sea is becoming a hot area due to different conflicts…

    Quotes: I like the ones regarding simplicity:

    A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked. A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be patched up to make it work. You have to start over with a working simple system. (John Gall)

    In programming, simplicity and clarity are a crucial matter that decides between success and failure. (Edsger Dijktra)

    Log4j: This is old news but when it came out I tried to run the PoC but I failed 🙁 This is just a reminder. It was annoying because I manged to install all tools but never managed to exploit it.

    Done List: I feel totally identified. The to-do list is never done and you feel guilty. Done-list, much healthier.

    Dan Lynch: He passed away, and as usual on my ignorance, it seems he is one of the unsung heroes of Internet, migrating ARPANET to TCP/IP.

    Systems-Based Productivity: TEMPO refers to five dimensions of productivity: T (Time Management), E (Energy Management), M (Mindset), P (Proficiency) and O (Organization).

    Run Africa: very jealous.

    Infraops challenge, Devika, Daytona, NTP 2038, Linux Crisis Tools, videos, Chocolonely, LLM, Transformers, Enforce-first

    InfraOps challenge: A bit beyond me, but interesting If you could try without applying for the job.

    Devika: Agent AI. Another thing I would like to have time to play with it. If you have API keys for some LLMs, looks like it shouldn’t be difficult to run and you dont need a powerful laptop (?)

    Daytona: My development environment is a joke, just python envs. But I guess for more serious devs, could be interesting

    NTP and year 2038: Agree, when it is not DNS, it is likely NTP (seen this with VPNs and SSL certs in boxes with NTP unsync), or something blocking UDP.

    Linux crisis tools: I haven’t got my hands dirty with BPF but I am surprised with so many tools. I would add nc, netstat, lsof, traceroute, ping, vim, openssl etc but because I do pure networks.

    Jim Kwik: How to improve your reading speed. One improvement is you use your finger or a ruler. Need to watch again.

    Rich Roll: The guy is super chill. I would like to be able to do some ultra at some point in life… Very personal conversation.

    Ferran Adria: I didnt know much about the person apart from being one of the best Chefs in history. I like how he starts the interview and take over for 15 minutes. Haven’t watched till the end. But just the beginning is priceless.

    Mark Manson: I have read all his books and his emails. Interesting his story.

    Chocolonely: I didnt know it was a dutch company and interesting history behind. I want to try one day, but I haven’t found a dark choco version.

    LLM in 1000 lines puce C: I was always crap at C. But interesting this project as something educational and intro in LLM.

    Visual intro to transformers: The easy joke, unfortunately, this is not about Optimus Prime.

    Indonesia Heavy Metal Girls: Unexpected. Respect.

    Enforce-first-as: I dint know about this until last week. Cisco defined by default. Juniper disabled by default. And this makes sense with Route Servers.