Uzbekistan 2024

Last year I went to Uzbekistan. I wanted to visit places from the Silk Road. This is the main guide I used. And I checked a bit this one too.

Plov was best in Tashkent in the Plov center. And tried several types of local bread, I liked them. (Video about Samarkand bread)

I was surprised with the amount of pomegranates and cotton fields! There is a lot of irrigation. Mostly taxis run on propane or similar. It seems UZ is energy free. Boxing and UFC are the king sports. I was surprised to see so many tour groups and not many solo travellers. I travelled in a TALGO train too 🙂

In general, it was a nice trip.

Advance Junos Troubleshooting


- verify network settings for each user: ip, mac, gw
- verify gw reachability
- verify MAC table:
show ethernet-switching table (control plane)
show route forwarding-table family ethernet-switching (forwarding plane - PFE) both should be in sync
- verify STP: show spanning-tree interface
- verify vlan-interface association: show vlans X [detail]
- verify interface config: show configuration interface XXX
- where is gw: show route table inet.0
- fw session: show security flow session protocol icmp source-prefix IP

Route "rejected" for irb => check vlan config has l3-interface configured

LAG not coming up but config looks ok -> show configuration chassis aggregated-devices => device-count!



- verify network settings for each user: ip, mac, gw
- verify gw reachability

- evpn-vxlan:
-- underlay: IGP (ospf-isis) or eBGP (loopbacks exchanged, peers up, etc)
---show bgp summary / show route receive/advertised-protocol bgp IP table inet.0
---show evpn databases

-- overlay: iBGP up, EVPN peers up
--- show evpn instance extensive
--- show evpn database
--- show route table inet.0 protocol evpn

-- VXLAN: VTEPs established, up, EVPN routes (typ2/5 exchanged?
--- show interfaces vtep
type source: for the locally attached networks
type Remote: for remote networks
--- show vlan (mapping vlan-vni)
--- show vlan X details -> l3-irbs, mapped interfaces, etc

-- communication between same vlan/vni? vlan-vni mapping identical in all devices?, IRB using commong VGA, IRB bound to VLANs
--- show ethernet-switching vxlan-tunnel-end-point source
--- show ethernet-switching vxlan-tunnel-end-point remote
--- show interfaces terse irb
--- show configuration interfaces irb
--- show configuration vlans
--- show ethernet-switching table

show bgp summary
- bgp.evpn.0 receives all EVPN routes (LE and SP)
- default-switch.evpn.0 - typ1,2,3 copied here (only LE, no in SP)
- default_evpn.evpn.0 - typ4 copied here (only LE, no in SP)

show route summary
:vxlan.inet.0 - holds the routes to remote VTEPs and uses inet.0 for route selection (because it has : in the name)


ospf operational
show ospf neighbor
show ospf interface (loopbacks are in??)
show interfaces x | match mtu
show ospf overview
show ospf statistics
set protocols ospf traceoptions file X size 5m files 3 flag all
show log X
show configuration interface Y
monitor traffic interface Y detail matching "proto ospf"
request system decrypt password "xxxx" (onlu for $8$ or $9$ hashes)

adj state full
show ospf database (* = entries generated by the local router)
show route protocol ospf table inet.0

spf stable: duplicate RID?, flapping links?

routes in RIB: lsdb, asbr over non-bb area, 0/0 in nssa and stubs, prefix export limit, import/export policies
- show route table inet.0
- abr: nssa no-summaries -> routes in that area dont see any summary LSA for other areas => you may need to advertise a default (set protocols ospf area X nssa default-lsa default-metric 1)
- show configuration protocols ospf


(initializing -> mtu issue (at least 1492)

isis operational
show isis adjacency
show isis interface (loopbacks are in??)
show interfaces x | match mtu
show isis overview (if attached bit evaluation disabled -> default route (sent by L1L2) is not installed
show isis statistics
set protocols isis traceoptions file X size 5m files 3 flag error detail flag hello detail
show log X
show configuration interface Y
monitor traffic interface Y detail matching "proto isis"
request system decrypt password "xxxx" (onlu for $8$ or $9$ hashes)

adj state full
show isis database (* = entries generated by the local router)
show isis route
show route protocol isis table inet.0

spf stable: duplicate NET?, flapping links?

routes in RIB: lsdb, levels?, 0/0 in l1, prefix export limit, import/export policies
show route table inet.0
abr: nssa no-summaries -> routes in that area dont see any summary LSA for other areas => you may need to advertise a default (set protocols ospf area X nssa default-lsa default-metric 1)
show configuration protocols ospf
show isis hostname
show route table iso.0 <-- NET addresses!


-ibgp established: security policies, fw rules, IGP routing, local address, auth, logs
set protocols bgp group int-group traceoptions file X size 5m files 3 flap open detail
show system connections

-ibgp stable: IGP stable? MTU, TCP MSS

-ibgp adverts: export policy, inactive routes, no-advertise community, bgp family

-ibgp receives: BGP next-hop, recursive routing

-routes in RIB: import policy


take several traceroute
check where route redistribution takes place
set cli timestamp
show bgp summary (several times to see flapping)
show route received-protocol bgp PEER_IP table x.0 (several times to see flapping)
show route NET/MASK (several times)
show route hidden detail table x.0


control plane:
- pe-ce routing protocols
-- show route table inet.0 (for P and PE Lo)
-- show isis database detail

- ldp/rsvp
-- show route table inet.3 (table with ingress LSPs from this router
-- show route table mpls.0 (next LSR in each LSP). Loop-up LSPs and VPN labels
-- show ldp session/neighbor
-- show ldp database
*RT mismatch -> drop (no stored neither hiddne => go to the other peer and show route advertisedd-protocol bgp PE-IP)

- bgp
-- show bgp summary
-- show route table X.inet.0 (l3vpn table)
-- show route advertising-protocol bgp PE-IP
-- show route receive-protocol bgp PE-IP (is bgp.l3vpn.0 table???)
-- show route receive-protocol bgp PE-IP detail table bgp.l3vpn.0
-- *vrf-table-lable -> a LSI logical interface label is created and mapped to the VRF routing table.

data plane:
-- ping mpls
-- traceroute mpls ldp PE-Lo

Stateful FW

srx -> session-based
- show security flow status -> flow/packet-based
- show security flow session
- set security flow traceoptions file X size 2m files 3 flag basic-datapath packet-filter f1 protocol icmp destination-prefix FW-IP/32
- show interface X -> check security zone (Null drops all packets)
- show interface x detail | find Flow
- show security zones NAME
- show security screen statistics zone untrust | except 0
- show log messages | match RT_SCREEN or RT_IDS
- show security screen ids-option untrust-screen
- show configuration security screen
- set security zones security-zone X host-inbound-traffic system-override traceroute ping …



fxp0: oob mgmt interface
fxp1/em0 - cp interface
fab - dp interace
swfab - switching dp interface
reth - redundant interface

show chassis cluster status
show chassis cluster interfaces
show interfaces terse | grep fxp
show configuration | display set | match apply-groups
set apply-groups ${node}
show system users

fabric link

show chassis cluster interfaces
show chassis cluster status
show chassis cluster statistics (sent/received??)
show interfaces terse | grep fab


show chassis cluster status
show chassis cluster interfaces
show interfaces terse | grep reth
show configuration chassis cluster

*routing table is not running in secondary node


CoS-Based IPSec VPN

show security ike security-associations
show security ipsec security-associations
show security ipsec inactive-tunnels
show configuration security ipsec vpn X
show class-of-service forwarding-class

CoS implementation

show interfaces X detail | find Egress -> check counters in queues

show configuration firewall family inet -> check filtes
show interfaces filters | match X
show class-of-service interface Y
show class-of-service rewrite-rule type dscp
scheduler-map X | match "Scheduler|Transmit"
classifier type dscp name X