Somehow I came across this company that provides some crazy numbers in just one rack. Then again nearly by coincidence I show this news from an email that mentioned “cerebras” and wafer-scale, a term that I have never heard about it. So found some info in wikipedia and all looks like amazing. As well, I have learned about Gene Amdahl as he was the first one trying wafer-scale integration and his law. Didnt know he was such a figure in the computer architecture history.
Month: February 2023
Lemon Pudding Souffle
Lemon zest garnish ingredients:
- 1/2 lemon skin cut at julienne (long and narrow stripes)
- 50ml water
- 50g caster sugar
- 1/2 lemon juice
- Mix water and sugar in a pan. Heat up to boil water.
- Add the lemon zest and mix for 10 sec, while water is boiling
- Add lemon juice and keep mixing for another 10 sec.
- Check the mix is getting some consistency then remove from heat
- Let it cool down for later. It should be like a syrup and solidify while cooling down. You can heat it up in microware for 10-15s to make it liquid again.
Lemon Pudding souffle ingredients:
- 125ml milk
- 35g butter
- 70g caster sugar
- 70g plain flour
- 2 eggs yolks
- 4 eggs whites
- 1/2 tsp vanilla paste
- 1/2 lemon zest
- butter and sugar for greasing
- Pre-heat oven at 180C
- Grease (solid butter and sugar) 4 dariole moulds. Be sure there is no shiny parts! Cut a small square of baking paper and put in the bottom of the mould.
- Make a “beurre manie” that is mixing the butter and flour by hand in a bowl.
- Scold the milk with the vanilla (just hit the boiling point). Then at medium heat, add pieces of the “beurre manie” and whisk non stop with the milk. It is like doing “bechamel” sauce. Once the whisk is not useful, move to a wooden spoon and keep mixing.
- At the end you will have kind off a ball, keep cooking for 1-2 minutes to be sure the flour is properly cooked.
- Remove from heat and let it cool down
- Add the 2 egg yolks one at each time to the “ball”. It should become like a thick cream.
- Whisk the egg whites until snow peak. Then add the sugar and lemon zest and whisk again until snow peak. This is the meringe
- Now fold a 1/3 of the meringe into the pudding butter. Keep doing the same 1/3 at the time.
- Once you have all mixed, pour the butter into the moulds up to 3/4.
- Using a deep tray, put the moulds and fill it with water (hot if possible). Be careful the moulds dont float!
- Bake for 20-25 minutes until golden on top and risen.
- Prepare the egg custard while waiting
Fresh egg custard sauce ingredients:
- 75ml double cream
- 75ml milk
- 35g egg yolk
- 25g caster sugar
- 1/2 tbs vanilla paste
- In a glass, mix egg yolks and sugar.
- Mix double cream, milk and vanilla in a sauce pan. Add a bit of the sugar and put to the boil.
- Add the egg mix to the liquid and mix with a wooden spoon.
- Keep mixing until the liquid thick up a bit! Dont over do it! If you ran a finger in the back of the spoon when covered with the custard, it should keep apart.
- Remove from heat and pour it in a container. Cover with cling film
- Once the pudding moulds are ready, remove the mould, be sure you take off the paper too!
- Put each pudding in the middle of a dish.
- Pour the custard around the pudding
- Put a spoon of the lemon syrup on top of the pudding (put in microware if solid)
This is it!

It was actually quite nice. Spongy and lemony.
Dundee Cake
This is a typical Scottish cake and I learned today via an e-course.
- 180g softened butter
- 90g caster sugar
- 90g dark brown sugar
- 115g plan flour
- 110g self-raising flour
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 300g dry mixed fruit
- 1 tbsp of fresh grated ginger
- 1 orange: juice + zest
- coconut flakes for decoration
- 50ml Scotch whiskey (optional)
- 1 tsp grated nutmeg
- 1 tsp ground ginger
- 2 tsp ground cinnamon
- optional: whiskey butter: 75g softened butter + 75g icing sugar + 1 tbsp whiskey
- Pre-heat oven at 150C. Grease and line a baking tin 20x30cm aprox
- Soak the dried fruit with the whiskey, orange juice, orange zest and fresh grated ginger.
- In a bowl, cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy
- Add the eggs one by one to the butter mix. Keep mixing
- Sift the flour, spices and baking powder on the butter mix. Fold everything with a wooden spoon or spatula.
- Drain the soaked fruit, reserve the liquid for later! Add the fruit into the dough, folding it.
- Pour the mixture into the tin and smooth the surface.
- Bake at 150C for 1h 20-30m aprox. Until golden and springy to touch.
- While baking, prepare the whiskey butter. Whip the butter and icing sugar. Add the tbsp of whiskey. Whip and done.
- Once the cake is out of the oven, immediately, brush the top with the liquid leftover (add one tsp of sugar) and then add the coconut flakes.
- Leave it cool down

It taste a bit like a Christmas pudding but lighter. I liked it!
Calling Bullshit
This is an interesting book about the flooding of data we need to go through and the difficulty to figure out what is true or not. And I feel it many times you read something “scientific” with many numbers, stats, etc and you kind off believe that has to be true. And those new pharmaceutical drugs that are so amazing or latest paper with a dramatic breakthrough.
Interesting points:
With the hype about machine learning, understanding the algorithm may be out of our understanding but the critical thing is the training data fed into that algorithm. GIGO = Garbage In, Garbage Out. Because the training data is “biased” or not relevant, imagine how is going to be the result.
Correlation is not causation. This is a difficult topic becase we see very easily causation everywhere or find one that matches our theory.
Goodhart’s law adapted to normal people: “When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure”. That’s so true. Think of your performance review at work, the GPU tests, etc.
Regarding the stats, it is important to pay attention to the axis: start at zero? same proportions/scales?, be mindful of 3D stats, “ducks” decorate or obscure the meaningful data,
If it is too be good to be true/false, then it isn’t.
“mathiness”: formulas and expressions that look like “good” math but they lack logical coherence and formal rigor. This is very typical for things that are not really easy to quantify (ie healthcare quality management), how things are measured?, unit? etc
One of my favourite examples is the paper about the fMRI on the brain of dead! salmons when showing picture of people showing different types of mood. This was important to clarify that MRI images maybe are not as perfect as you expect. I assume that nowadays that has improved….
Prosecutor’s fallacy: You need to prove you customer is innocent although there is DNA match in a database. There is an error rate of 1 in 10,000,000.
Match | No Match | |
Guilty | 1 | 0 |
Innocent | 5 | 50,000,000 |
You are the defence prosecutor and you want to focus in the left column (blue). That means that there are 5 chances out of 6 (5+1) that your client is inocent having a DNA match.
p-values: null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis. Most papers are based on a p-value of 0.05 (now you have Goodhart’s law)
Refuting Bullshit:
- Use “reductio ad absudum”
- Be memorable (dead salmon example)
- Find counterexamples (immune system theory vs trees)
- Provide analogies (74M$ -> 2sec faster)
- Redraw figures
- Deploy a null model
I leave a lot of things behind that I dont remember but it is worth the reading (and more than once)
In summary, the goal is to be “smart” sceptic and dont believe everything throw to us.
Chelsea and Swiss Buns
This recipe makes:
2x chelsea buns tins of 22cm diameter
6x swiss buns
Ingredients for the dough:
- 850g strong white flour, plus extra for dusting
- 25g dry yeast
- 100g caster sugar
- 475ml warm milk
- 2 egg beaten
- 100g unsalted butter, melted, plus extra for greasing
- oil for greasing
- 1 tsp sea salt
Filling ingredients:
- 25g melted butter
- 100g currants, chopped
- 50g sultanas, chopped
- 2 tsp mixed spice
- 25g caster sugar
- 200ml water
- 200g caster sugar
- Mix together the flour, yeast, sugar and salt. Make a well in the center.
- Warm the milk at body temperature
- Pour milk, melted butter and beaten eggs into the flour. Mix all together and then knead for 10 minutes until you have a smooth and elastic dough. It will be a bit sticky at the very beginning but dont add any flour.
- Shape the dough into a ball, add a bit of oil into the bowl, put the dough, cover with clean film and let it prove until double in size (1h?)
- Pre-heat oven at 180C
- Prepare a tray with butter and a coating of flour to make it anti-sticky.
- Prepare the chelsea buns tins. Put a layer of melted butter, then add a piece of baking paper of the same diameter to cover the bottom. Cover again with a bit of melted butter. Tray to cut another piece of baking paper for the side of the tin. Add a bit of butter again.
Swiss Buns:
- Once the dough has double in size, put it on a lightly flour surface and knock the air out.
- Cut 6 pieces of 80gr aprox. Cover the pieces and the big dough with the bowl and a towel so they dont dry out.
- For each piece, make a ball, flat it with your palm, put pressure and make circules with your hand, remove pressure gradually and until you have a ball again.
- Then roll it as it were a “cigar”. Put it in the tray. Leave around 3cm distance between each “cigar”.
- Prove again until double in size (25-30m). Move to the Chelsea Buns.
- Then bake for 6 minutes aprox or until golden light brown.
- Let it cool down before adding the sugar coating.
- Optional: make white fondant icing. For each Swiss bun, dip only the top, the lift it, let the fondant to drip by one side and then with a finger, clean the fondant drip without leaving the finger mark.
Chelsea Buns:
- With the left-over dough and using a rolling-pin, spread the dough into a big rectangle. At least 42x25cm.
- With a brush, cover the dough with the melted butter.
- Mix sugar and spice, then spread it over the dough.
- Spread evenly the chopped currants and sultanas.
- With the roll, push a bit the dry fruit.
- Make a roll with the dough, start by the “long” side. Be sure it is tight but dont break it.
- With a sharp knife, cut both end until you have an even form. Then cut 12-14 pieces from the roll.
- Put one piece in the middle, then put another at 5 or 6 other pieces around as it were a flower. Be sure the end of each piece points to the middle.
- Put for tins to prove again. Aprox 25 minutes. They should grow until there is no space between each piece and raise a bit too.
- Bake until the top is golden brown. At 180C, aprox 15-20 minutes.
- Glaze with the sugar syrup as soon as the tins are removed from the oven. Remove the buns from the tin!
This is the result!

Other Minds
This is a book recommended by a good friend. He had watched some documentaries about octopus and was amazing. So I was curious about it and gave it a go.
The book is not just about octopus and cuttlefish but about intelligence based on the evolution of our nervous systems. It seems the octupus developed their nervous system in a different way from mammals. And even between cephalopods seems to have evolved in more than one way.
Another things I was quite surprised is the life span of the octopus is around 2 years! There is a part of the book quite interesting about ageing. Why are there organism like sequoias that can live over 3000 years and then octopus with a very advance nervous systems only last 2? I need to re-read it again. As per my understanding this is related to the our evolution, we reap the benefits quickly but there is always drawbacks that turn up later.
There were parts were I didnt engage enough but I think it was worth it just for the two points above.