Nothing to add. All is said:
Today I Learned
Nothing to add. All is said:
No, it is not me when I was a kid. It is a GC extension. I have a very bad habit of opening many tabs in my browser with the excuse, I will take a look later. That takes a big toll in CPU/Memory. With this extension, my laptop is running very smoothly even when I have three cEOS docker boxes running in the background. The fan runs less often. I have been using it for over a week and I am very happy with it. Need to find something for Firefox.
Today I Learned. Why are we bothering writing things in a blog?
It is a drop in the ocean called Internet but I believe in it. That is the key.
And somehow it can helps us to discover the signal from the noise
Maybe not totally related to this post, but I think you can find that book interesting.
Are we making noise?
I had in my backlog a long post from Cloudflare about the history of URL. It actually contains much more info. So it is a really nice reading:
There are many things that I didnt know but these two caught my attention:
The root DNS zone of the internet is composed of thirteen DNS server clusters. There are only 13 server clusters, because that’s all we can fit in a single UDP packet. Historically, DNS has operated through UDP packets, meaning the response to a request can never be more than 512 bytes.
I knew there were 13 root DNS cluster but I didnt think the reason why was the UDP packet size!
And from Punycode, interesting you can create emoji urls!
This is nothing new. But I was reading an article about it and was a good refresh:
The article is a couple of years old but I think it is still relevant. Most people I know they have their infrastructure in the cloud. In my current job we are still based on bare metal due to the nature of our business but some years ago we were in that point when deciding what to do with our CI/CD environment. I wasnt involved in that decision (only in the deployment/implementation). Our capex was higher but long term (3y), it was cheaper to build in premise than in the cloud. I agree with the article that when you dont know how things are going to grow, scale requirements, etc cloud is the best choice. Once you ran pass the start-up phase, you should reconsider the position.
We are in the XXI century, social media is everywhere, let’s do something disruptive… create another blog. Believe me, the world is not going to change