I read this book around 2001 on the tube to Uni. Not sure why I bought it, I guess the tittle looked interesting mixing a philosopher and an anti-depressant?
Somehow, I wanted to re-read it, maybe first time I do it. I think now it makes more sense than 21 years ago (how things have changed!!!) and proves further my feeling that having a solid moral base it is the key for dealing with (a lonely or not) life. In the last years I have read several books that are categorized as self-help but all they gave me something to build my moral. And this book proves that strategy.
The idea is not all issues are “fixed” with a pill. In some (maybe many?), it is our way of thinking what it is causing our problems. And I can’t agree more. I am fully aware that many of my complaints are more based on my behaviour that external things. So this is a work for life. And I dont mind. If you dont work a muscle, you know it goes weak.
The book focus in Western and Oriental philosophies but it doesnt prefer any, each person, each case, needs a different approach, so that builds your tool box. You have an intro to several aspects of philosophy that are “easy” to digest. That is quite good, because one of my complaints is that most authors make their book imposible to digest if you are not one of them, and that kills the idea of philosophy? This should be for everybody! That should be the essence of philosophy.
As well, the book gives the process PEACE to use the philosophical approach and provides examples for several cases.
Still, the book doesnt deny that there are cases where medication is needed. And I agree with that. So the idea of visiting a philosopher is added to the current options of a psychologist or psychiatrist. And the site is up. And it is quite spread. The idea to attend a philosophical cafe conversation is appealing, sometimes you yearn for a deep conversation.
So at the end, it was worth to read it again to carry on my work of self-care/improvement, resilience, etc.
This is my fifth book of Foundation series. I liked it but the end that was a bit of a pluff. I was surprised that it was a continuation of Foundation’s Edge as the other books were set in different stages from the establishment of Foundation(s) to the advancement of Seldon’s plan with different plots and characters.
Still it hooked me and read it very eagerly.
Very likely I will read the other two books related to before foundation. And maybe in the future I will give it a go to the Robots series.
It has taken a bit more time than usual but really enjoyed this book. I learned a lot of new facts. I love history and in school we were very focus in European history and neglected greatly all other parts of the world. In this book you can read about the importance of the routes between Europe and Asia along the centuries. Because all great empires were supported through commerce. From the constant battles between Ancient Greece and Persia, Rome, the pressure of the mongol empires from the East, Christianity, Byzantium, the rise of Islam and its lighting spread from Arabia to westerm Europe and the far east, the religion wars, crusaders, etc. It is interesting Vikings travelled “south” to commerce with the east, mainly with slaves captured in the way down. That slaves were the most profitable business. That the word”slave” comes from “slav” so those were the tribes mainly captures to become slaves and sold to the current empire and business centers between Europe/Asia. That luxury was a main drive in business: obviously silk and spices. How the discovery of America by the Spaniards was a waste of resources in European wars, and crashed South American population and culture. How Christian religion looked somewhere else at that time (link1link2) apart from Dominican Bartolome de Las Casas. Funny enough the next-to-come empires (Dutch and English) did the same… And is funny too how tolerant was Islam for centuries and intolerant Christianity (has changed this?)
Then it comes the last couple of centuries.The heavy industrialization, the desire to maintain the status-quo, etc. For me was mind-blowing the approach for the WW1 and WW2. WW1 was to maintain the empires against the new forces: Germany and Russia. The goal was mainly keeping the East under control (India during English Empire time – that is bigger than current one..) and the new gold, petrol (Persia aka Iran, Mesopotamia aka Irak, etc). But the war was mainly fought in mainland Europe… Then you see the lack of scruples from Britain and then America dealing with the countries in the East. Then you can understand all the mess we see in Irak, Iran, Afghanistan… And Ukraine. Germany tried to conquest URSS during WW2 to get Ukraine as it was considered the granerie of Europe… and the south part of URSS so it could control the petrol supplies too. As well, you see the times when Iran and Israel were friends xD. Funny enough all the nuclear technology in Iran is from USA. USA got involved in Afganistan when the URSS invaded it (I will always remember the movies Rambo III and Red Scorpion) I think nobody from the army watched those movies…
I leave a lot of things behind but it is a great book. I read it as ebook but it is worth have it in paper. Very likely will get the next book.
I had low expectations in this book after reading the third part. But I was surprised at the beginning about the new setup of the planet, Leto and new twists. The “philosophical” moment of Leto are a bit boring because I got to the point I dont know what he is talking about but I liked when he mentioned Torquemada when discussing about religions. The end of the book wasn’t really great but I enjoyed it overall. Looking forwards for the next chapter!
This is a book about “simplifying” your life, removing what is not necessary and focus in the important. These are nice words but actually very difficult to accomplish nowadays. I have read several book that are quite related to this subject, like “indistractable”, “drive”,”deep work”, “flow”, “atomic habits”, etc. Focus in “less is better”. If you dont put a limit, somebody will do it for you
For me, I am struggling in the “Tech” side. I want to learn so many things that at the end of the day/week/months/years I notice I haven’t reached anywhere. I have hundreds of tabs open in my browser with things I want to read “soon”. Something similar happens with recipes, I have so many pieces of magazines, videos and pics in my phone, that I feel overwhelmed. At least I am focus in my climbing (getting fitter), baking (bread!)/cooking and reading.
The author explains the process to become an Essentialist as three phases:
Create space. It is good to be bored. Read old books. Meaning.
Play: Sir Ken Robinson
Sleep: Protect the most important asset, you!
Select: Hell yeah or no. Trade-offs. Good to Great (book).
clarify: cleanup the wardrobe
dare: say “no”
uncommit: sunk cost, endowment effect, fear of missing out
edit: options, condense
limit: you can pay a price for setting boundaries BUT boundaries are freedom!
Buffer: add 50% in your planning. extreme preparation
Progress: repeat, repeat
flow: create routines
This is the typical book that I put in my stack of good reads, to read again at some point so I can refresh concepts because I forget things. Even after finishing it a couple of days ago, I got the feeling that I have forgotten most of it. And in this case, I gave away the book so I am even struggling to get my notes/thoughts here 🙂
This is the forth book of the series. I was a bit weary at the beginning as I thought it was going to be a boring continuation (like it was my last Dune book). But it hooked me and read it voraciously. I was surprised how quickly I finished it. I liked how all the parts are faced at the end and the goals they want to achieve plus how different are the personalities of each character.
It was interesting after four books, that is the first time it is mentioned alien life and robots. Thinking this is sci-fi based on a very far future I should have noticed that very early on the series but still it is really engaging with all the twists.
This book was a gift from a very good friend. It has been an interesting read as it has helped me to put labels to my own behaviours and explain some situations in my last (and only) relationship.
The book states there are mainly three type of behaviours in relationships
Secure: comfortable with intimacy and communicating.
Avoidant: dont want to get to close for fear to lose independency
Anxious: too preoccupied and overthinking the relationship, requires lot of closeness.
In my case I am mainly avoidant, and I realised that my ex-girlfriend was anxious. And funny enough, it seems the statistics say this is the common common couple because there are few “secure” in the market and relationships between members of the same group are really uncommon. I actually laughed at this! But I think it is quite true.
The goal is not becoming overnight a secure person but to communicate needs from each side to make the gap smaller.
And from other side, people evolve, change for good and bad. So if you are secure doesnt mean you are always going to be secure, if you attachment fires in a weird way to you can end in a bad situation.
While reading this, I was analyzing myself and my former relationship and was funny how many things started to make sense.
Another thing, attachment is not love. That was a relief. Before my former relationship, I got hit by another person and that made me feel like a puppet, I felt like nothing and I hit rock bottom. But that helped me to work on myself seriously. And this can happen to anybody…
And bad attachments can be difficult to break…
Although, this is not just extremes. I think I have been secure in several points but now I have understand myself better and I think I would act better in a new relationship.
As well, this knowledge helps you to filter potential partners or actual ones. So it can help you to improve your relationship.
At the end of the day, (as usual, I am always trying to find the universal truth in books), everything is reduced to communication. Express your needs openly. Make the relationships a two way street that goes to places.
Just finished the third book fo Dune. At some points was quite engaging about all the conspirations, unexpected events, etc. But all the dialogs about the dreams, mixing souls, pass/future were a bit dull as they looked like repetitive. Looking for the next one but I am bit concerned as I guess a bit the next plot…
This book was in my to-read list after all the “conflicts” about people rejecting vaccines during the pandemic. As far as I remember from school, this book was important in the French Revolution and used on most European democracies and constitutions . So I was curious about how the situation would have been managed under the rules of the social contract.
I am was quite surprised that book was quite thin but it was sometimes quite dense (like a good old tiny-letter contract…) and difficult to follow. There are many comments about Sparta, Venice, Jewish law and mainly Rome. And comments from other authors mainly Montesquieu and Maquiavelo.
In general, I consider JJ Rousseau a pure romantic. It seems man is good by nature and the common will makes things fall into its place… As the goal of this contract is to maintain the human freedom in the society. As well, this contract proves that the right of the strongest doesnt work. And political parties are not good!! As well, only in the social contract you can have real (private) property. I struggles to understand the difference between Sovereign and state. A good point expressed is legislation needs to been understood by the people. So it is very important how the language is used to express ideas. So I was quite surprised by that, looks like a genuine interest to reach the masses and he was aware of that difference. Too, the proportion of inhabitants per land benefits different political systems. And the legislator looks a like a special human being that is going to the best for Society. That’s for me one the “most” romantic things in the book. It reminds me a bit to the dictatorship of the proletariat. That is not going to work because Man is not good by nature.
There is a division of power between legislation and executive. Legislation is based on Equality and Liberty (and you add Fraternite’ = France 🙂
It is important of the number of magistrates in a government. It is curious because I think this happens nowadays with parliaments and civil servants.
I expected the book to be mainly focus in “democracy” but when reading about the classification of governments: democracy, aristocracy and monarchy. The best gov is mainly based on the size of the country. So democracy works best in small countries because leaving in a demo”crazy” requires “you” to be a very active part of the government. And looks like it is not very well suited for me… There are three types of aristocracy: natural, elective and hereditary, considering the “elective” the best. That for me, it is kind of the current democracies. We vote for somekind of elite and the govern for us….
And in any kind of government, the challenge is to put the good people in the correct post.
It is interesting that as well, based on the economy and weather!, different types of government are most suitable! And a government is not forever. It needs to change, that is a good thing we do, as power corrupts (man is not good by nature…) And it is very important to have periodic reunions to check on the status (like in Rome) and there shouldnt be a fix capital city so that keeps everybody on their toes regarding the government matters as it is something you can ignore.
Money is showed as a chain, so nothing really positive from an active member of society as it distracts you from the main goal: group will. As well, wealth can make you ignore your responsibilities in the social contract and with too much wealth, you have poverty. Another thing that doesnt work well as you can buy votes, etc etc.
One interesting point is that dictatorships sometimes are needed but must have a fix short term. This is mainly when there is agreements.
A nice quote: “It is easier to conquer than to rule” – true story
Interesting things I found is the death penalty is accepted. I am not sure if I understood well but considers God as the source of Justice.
There is a section about “censorship” that is mainly to keep morality… I wasn’t very sure about this.
And the last part talks about religion. And the conclusion is clear, religion is not compatible with politics! 🙂 It puts as example mainly the Catholicism with Rome.
It is a very dense book of ideas and likely I have left many ideas out and not sure If I am understood all. But it is worth it. At the end, based on this book and myinterpretation, people should have follow the government advice about vaccination. But I feel biased anyway because that was what I was trying to verify.
I finished this book last week. I wasnt sure what was about but I liked it. It was a good refresh for keeping back the “peace” of mind. Its focus is Buddhism and mentions often the benefits of meditation while navigating a conflicting world/life. It reminds you to live the present, don’t hope, be groundless. There are a lot stories of main Buddhist figures dealing with different problems like when Buddha reached the illumination when the Maras attacked him, but he welcome them and didnt fight them. Something, as well, very important is to realize the path is the goal. In a so materialistic world, reading parts of the books is like cleaning your face with cold water. So refreshing, and wakes you up!
In general, it is a small book, quick to read and as I tell myself sometimes, I need to re-read some books. It is not the philosophical stone that is going to solve all problems but helps you to focus. This book or similar to be honest.