Potato Pizza, TCP Conversation Completeness, IBM power10, AI developer kit, 2 not 3

This is a pizza that I tried several years ago, and it seems the restaurant is out of business. I have done some pizzas trying to emulate it but never matching that memory. So this is a placeholder to try:

Original Ingredients: Bechamel, Smoked Mozzarella, red onions, pancetta, sliced potatoes, and Buffalo Mozzarella.

Some example1, example2

This a old for today’s news. IBM Power10 Memory network but looks interesting:

...thanks to the coherence IBM already has across NVLink (which is really BlueLink running a slightly different protocol that makes the GPUs think DRAM is really slow but really fat HBM2, in effect, and also makes the CPUs think the HBM2 on the GPUs is really skinny but really fast DRAM). 

Checking some wireshark traces last week, I cam across the concept of TCP Conversation Completeness. This was totally new for me. This video gave some idea too. This was useful for me for finding TCP conversation that showed retransmissions when trying to stablish the TCP handshake, and not just showing the retransmission, so I used “tcp.completeness<33” so I should see TCP flows with a sync + RST.

AI developer Kit by NVIDIA: This card looks nice, I would mind to buy it and give a chance to learn, but it is sold out everywhere…. This is a video about it.

2 not 3 (make a choice!):