I had aquafaba left over from making humus and always wanted to do something simple with it. As well, it has been a long time since I do brownies. So found a recipe that mixed both:
- Liquid from a can of chickpeas (around 120ml)
- 290g sugar (I think it is too much)
- 150g dark chocolate (I used 85% dark) chopped
- 110g margarine
- 180g plain flour
- 40g cocoa powder
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tsp coffee powder
- optional: chocolate chips (I didnt use…)
- 2 handful of frozen cherries
- Pre-heat oven at 175C
- Let the frozen cherries to get to room temperature. Dont add them frozen to the butter (as I did…) as it will solidify it….
- Sift flour and cocoa powder.
- In another bowl, mix sugar and aquafaba. I dont have a mixing attachment to my hand blender so I did it manually. I didnt get to the point as in the video.
- Add the vanilla, salt, coffe to the liquid. Fold it with a spatula.
- Melt the margarine and chocolate using Bain Marie. I ran out of bowl and had to use a saucepan directly on the heat….
- Pour the melted chocolate over the aquafaba mix. Fold everything together.
- Add the flour mix to the wet ingredients. Combine properly but dont over mix.
- Add the chocolate chips and cherries if you want to. Mix all a bit.
- Pour the butter into a baking tin covered with baking paper. Mine is 30x20cm and I think it is a bit too big. You dont have to spread the butter everywhere if you want a bit thicker brownies.
- Bake for 30-35 minutes. Use a toothpick to check if the center comes out with a bit of moister. Dont over bake it! (as I did)
- Let the brownies to cool for 0 minutes then you can cut them.

To be honest, I made many mistakes. The worse one was adding the cherries frozen!!! And I left the brownies too long in the oven. As usual, more practice!!!
I think my normal brownies are much better but still it was a way to use aquafaba. Need to find more usage for that anyway.